Historia de españa

  • Period: 264 BCE to 476

    Hispania Romana

    It is known as Roman Hispania to the territories of the Iberian Peninsula during the historical period of Roman domination. This period is between 218 a. C. and the beginning of the 5th century.
  • 263 BCE

    First Punic War

    First Punic War
    The First Punic War was the first of three wars fought between Carthage and Rome, the two major powers in the western Mediterranean in the early third century. This happened due to the conflict of interests between the Carthaginian Empire and the then Republic of Rome, in full expansion and on the way to becoming the great empire it became.
  • 218 BCE

    Second Punic War

    Second Punic War
    The Second Punic War is the best known of the warlike confrontations that took place within the framework of the Punic Wars between the two powers that then dominated the western Mediterranean: Rome and Carthage. The contest usually dates from the year 218 BC.
  • 149 BCE

    Third Punic War

    Third Punic War
    The Third Punic War was the last war fought between Rome and Carthage between 149 and 146 BC. In this last war Rome was victorious. Carthage was completely destroyed by the Romans.
  • 476

    The fall of the Roman empire

    The fall of the Roman empire
    In 409, the Alanos and Vandals invaded the peninsula. In 410 Rome was sacked and finally, in 476 the Ostrogoths took over Italy.
  • Period: 569 to 716

    Visigothic monarchy in the Iberian peninsula

    After a long migration, the Visigoths established their kingdom on the Peninsula during the 6th century, placing their capital in Toledo due to its strategic central location. Leovigildo, between the years 569 and 586, was the authentic architect of the political unity of the peninsula under the rule of the Visigoths.
  • Period: 711 to 1492


    In 711 the Muslims came to the Peninsula from North Africa. They called this territory al-Andalus and established their capital in Córdoba. Al-Andalus became a province of the Muslim empire, which was ruled by the Caliph of Damascus, in Asia.
  • Period: 711 to 1492

    Reconquest period

    The late Middle Ages was a period characterized by increased agricultural productivity, the resurgence of medium and long-distance trade, the repopulation of cities, and Christian pilgrimages to holy places.
  • May 28, 722

    Battle of covadonga

    Battle of covadonga
    The Battle of Covadonga took place in 718 or 722 in Covadonga, a place near Cangas de Onís, among the Asturians, of Celtic origin, who populated the mountainous areas of Asturias; and the troops of al-Andalus, who were defeated.
  • Period: 843 to 1100

    High middle ages

    It was characterized by the coexistence in tension, although also in a relative balance, of 3 great politically and ideologically differentiated spaces: Latin Christian Europe, in which a political, social and economic system known as feudalism prevailed; the Byzantine Empire, a continuation of what had been the Old Eastern Roman Empire, and the Muslim space, which from the emergence of this religion had expanded from the Arabian peninsula to the west.
  • 1031

    Fall of the Caliphate of Cordoba

    Fall of the Caliphate of Cordoba
    The Caliphate put an end to the independent emirate established by Abderramán I in 756 and officially lasted until the year 1031, when it was abolished, leading to the fragmentation of the Umayyad state into a multitude of kingdoms known as taifa.
  • Period: 1031 to 1212

    Taifa kingdoms

    The taifa were small kingdoms into which the caliphate of Córdoba was divided from the Cordovan Revolution that deposed the caliph Hisham II in 1009. In the following years, in the so-called Fitna de al-Ándalus, the caliphate rivaled the first kingdoms of taifa, until the caliph Hisham III was exiled, which put an end to the caliphate in 1031. Later, the so-called second and third kingdoms of taifa arose. The origin of all the taifa dynasties was foreign.
  • Period: 1300 to 1500

    Middle Ages

    This is the name given to the period from the 11th to the 15th century. This was a stage characterized by increased agricultural productivity, the resurgence of medium- and long-distance trade, the repopulation of cities, and Christian pilgrimages to holy places. It is in the eleventh to thirteenth century, when the dark age of looting and invasions ends and a time of settlement and development begins; And the Crisis of the Middle Ages, during the 16th and 15th centuries.
  • 1469

    Dynastic Union

    Dynastic Union
    The "dynastic union" of Castile and Aragon in the days of the Catholic Monarchs. In 1469 the heirs of the two crowns of the Peninsula, Fernando de Aragón and Isabel de Castilla, got married; Although it was not until years later that the dynastic union was confirmed when both acceded to their respective thrones.
  • Jan 2, 1492

    Fall of the caliphate of Granada

    Fall of the caliphate of Granada
    The Catholic kings defeat the last Muslim kingdom in a war that lasted ten years. The fundamental cause of its fall was the noble disputes.
  • Dec 10, 1492

    The Discovery Of America

    Christopher Colombus wanted to arrive to India but they finally ending discovering America. He have made tour trips were he was conquesting different lands.
  • Jan 1, 1496


    The catholic Kings started to CONQUEST the canary islands in 1478 and they finally conquered it in 1496 due to the dealings and capitulations
  • Jan 1, 1501


    This conquest was fighted between Spain and France. In 1493 they made the Barcelona trade, but this was unfullfilled by France. But then they sign the secret granada trade in 1500 in what Napoles wrre divided between them.
  • 1510


    The conquered started in 1497 when they occuped Melilla and it edding when they occuped Oran, Argel, peñón de Vélez and Tunez between 1508 and 1510
  • 1512


    Navarra and Francia prohibited the enter in Navarra to the catholic Kings. The king want to enter and he prepare the invasion.
  • 1533


    1.Magallanes and Elcano espedition. They complete the first round the world.
    2. Mexico conquest. Hernan Cortés coqnuered mexico in 1521
    3. Peru conquest. Pizarro conquered the inca´s empire in 1533

    In the Gran memorial Olivares exposed his idea of unification and centralization of different terrritories, And it have the objective to reaffirm the others peninsular territories to enlarge the king and the estate.