Pope John xxiii

  • Angelo Roncalli is born

    Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was born on the 25th of November, 1881 in Sotto il Monte, Italy.
  • Angelo had 13 siblings

    Angelo was one of 13 children born to Giovanni Roncalli, a tenant farmer.
  • Angelo is ordained a priest

    Angelo served in the Italian Army for a while, but then came back to receive a doctrate in theology. He was ordained a priest.
  • Angelo re-enters the Italian Army

    With the spark of World War I, Angelo rejoins the Italian army as a chaplain. He leaves in 1918.
  • The call to rome

    In 1921, Angelo was called to Rome to reorganize the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.
  • The Cardinal-Patriarch

    In 1953 Angelo became cardinal-patriarch of Venice, and was expected to spend his last years of pastoral work there.
  • The election

    On the 28th of October, 1958, Angelo was elected the new pope over the Catholic Church. He left the name Angelo, and took up the name Pope John xxiii (23rd).
  • Death

    Pope John XXIII died on the 3rd of June, 1963, just over a year after Daramalan College was created.