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Pioneer Girl Growing Up On The Prairie

By lopezls
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    The homestead act allowed papa to file claim on 160 acers of public land.
  • Nebraska's population

    Nebraska's population
    Over half of some immigrants and their american born children were made up to foreign-born immigrants.
  • GrassHoppers

    People said that grasshoppers were like a biblical plague because millions came out and blocked the light of the sun and stripping a farm bare in a matter of hours.
  • Born

    On that day I was born and when I was taken back to home they took me to my bedroom window I could see, and feel the seasons by it's growth and colors.
  • Work

    Papa had found and claimed land near the town of Cozad in central Nebraska.
  • Cattle

    My dad Poppie brought a small herd of cattle back home. Also on that day some of our cattle ran away but ower nighboor came and brought them, the only problem was that on purpose he gave us his enstead of the real cattle we used to have.
  • Fourth of July

    Fourth of July
    On that day we put costumes on and we do a big parade to celebrate that day. The people in the front are leading a procession of buggies, surreys, carriages, and a farm machinery.
  • Boy problems

    Boy problems
    When I turned sixteen my Papa would not let me go to parties with this boy named Oss Brownfield. Papa said that he could not approve that yet.
  • Sister married

    Sister married
    My sister Florry married. My mom made her her wedding dress and I helped prepare the wedding dinner. After that was over she and her husband John moved back near the Old homestead. I was thinking how it would feel without her.
  • Bert and I marry

    Bert and I marry
    My dream was to marry a cowboy and that dream did come true at last. I married my cowboy at his parents home in Maxwell, Nebraska. After the wedding we left to ranch Bert now in the sandhills, stopping just before sunset to camp for the night.
  • First autombile

    First autombile
    Bert brought one of his first car to the sandhills. It always would break down on the side of the rode. We would sometimes use the car but we would also use the wagon or we would go horseback riding.
  • Fisrt telephone

    Fisrt telephone
    We got our first telephone it was easier to call other people. Some people still did not have phones but we did. We were really lucky.
  • Got indoor plumbing and electricity

    Got indoor plumbing and electricity
    When we got everthing up all of use said that we were living in the wood house for about 20 years. The porches were running fulll length front and the back. The house was getting bigger because we would just add to it.
  • Bert goes

    Bert goes
    Bert my husband dies on that day. We were really sad that day. My "mom" said one of my children "She lived for about 30 more years and she took it sad but fine when dad died." It was a tough day.
  • Died

    I died on that day when I was slepping. The happy thing for me was that I was a mother and a grandmother. I also lived to be 100 years old I was glad that I lived that long to spent time with my family.