Physical Development (Birth-10 yr)

  • 1 CE

    2 months

    -can lift and turn their head when lying on their back -begins to push up while lying on stomach
  • 1 CE

    4 months

    -holds head up, steady
    -pushes down on legs when feet are on a hard surface
    -may be able to roll over from stomach to back
    -brings hands to mouth
    -can hold a toy and shake it and swing at dangling toys
    -when lying on stomach, can push up to elbows
  • 1 CE

    6 months

    -rolls over in both directions
    -begins to sit without support
    -when standing, supports weight on legs and might bounce
    -rolls back and forth, sometimes crawling backwards before moving forward
  • 1 CE

    9 months

    -stands, holding on
    -can get into sitting position
    -pulls up to stand
    -can sit without support
  • 2

    12 months

    -may stand alone
    -walks while holding on to furniture
    -may take a few steps without holding on
  • 2

    18 months

    -walks alone
    -may walk up steps and/or run
    -can help undress themselves
    -drinks from a cup
    -eats with a spoon
  • 3

    2 years

    -stands on tiptoes
    -kicks a ball; throws ball overhead
    -begins to run
    -climbs onto/off of furniture without help
    -walks up and down stairs holding on
  • 4

    3 years

    -climbs well
    -runs easily
    -walks up and down steps, one foot on each step
    -pedals a tricycle
  • 5

    4 years

    -hops and stand on one foot
    -catches a bounced ball most times
    -pours, cuts, and mashes own food
  • 6

    5 years

    -stands on one foot for 10 seconds or longer
    -hops; may be able to skip
    -can do a somersault
    -can use a fork, maybe a table knife
    -can use toilet on their own
    -swings and climbs
  • 7

    6 years

    -refine hand-eye coordination
    -have better balance and coordination
    -will be able to write and draw with more precision
    -may be able to participate in jumping rope and playing catch
  • 8

    7 years

    -can combine motor skills
    -can perform more difficult movements such as spinning while staying in one place
    -learn sports involving good physical control
    -learn to ride a two-wheel bike
  • 9

    8-10 years

    -slow and steady growth
    -improved coordination and reaction time
    -increased stamina
    -approaching puberty for girls;sexual development
    -refinement in finger control
    -increase in body strength