Philosophers and their respective philosophies

By Awit
  • 469 BCE


    “No one performs an evil act intentionally, and doing wrong occurs out of ignorance,” Socrates says. If an individual lacks moral understanding, he can only commit moral evil. Sometimes, even though an individual has intelligence, he willfully commits an evil act to support his secret motive may it be because of the benefit is perceived to be greater than the cost of the action
  • 428 BCE


    Plato claims that we can only expect to be happy if we are virtuous, rather than seeing virtue as a hindrance to living a fulfilling life. People's perceptions of goodness are questioned over time by presenting situations wherein your morals are at stake. Will you compromise your values for the benefit? Through reflecting your actions can you determine if the answer you have chosen turned out to be the reason for the life you have now..
  • 384 BCE


    According to Aristotle, to be happy, one must live a life of moderation. Virtues are good habits being developed by our emotion. For instance, in fear we overcome by acquiring the virtue of courage. However in everything we do, one must avoid the extremes for too much and too less is a negative impact to oneself.

    According to Thomas Hobbes, humans are inherently greedy creatures who would do anything to better their standing. Hobbes concluded by summarizing his observations based on real situations that if people were left to their own devices, they would act on their evil impulses with a selfish mindset of values ; thus, they could not be trusted to make decisions on their own for it could be clouded by their extreme hunger for power..

    The Utilitarian ethics by Bentham is best explained by the saying "Do whatever produces the greatest good for the greatest number.” Meaning the basis for an action to be right is on the result of the actions committed if the outcome is good then the act is considered good and bad if otherwise.