personal timeline

  • birth

    i was born on july 30 of 196 in chihuahua mexico in a small town called chuautemok.
  • Moved from Mexico

    we moved to the US from mexico
  • Back to Mexico

    we moved back to Mexico because we thought it would be better there.
  • Last elitches

    it was the last time i went to elitches, but it was the best one to come.
  • Accepted WDP

    i was accepted at Wdp because i needed help getting my grades up.
  • Graduated Elementary

    I graduated elementary with very bad grades but good enough to pass.
  • Graduated WDP

    on june 6, i graduated WDP with all A's
  • Accepted at CEC

    i was accepted at CEC do to having good grades and having a real purpose to being here.
  • Passed 9th grade

    i passed 9th grade with an average of an A minus
  • Back to the US

    We moved back to the US becuase we figured out it was better than Mexico.