Period 7 Timeline 1

  • The French in Mexico

    The French in Mexico
    Napoleon III took advantage of U.S involvement in the civil war by sending french troops to occupy Mexico.As soon as the war ended Seward invoked the Monroe Doctrine and use military action to make french back down.
  • U.S Neutrality

    U.S Neutrality
    Throughout the french intervention the U.S policy was to avoid to direct conflict with France. They also avoid voicing displeasure at French in mexico. Do this the U.S tried to remain neutral.
  • The purchase of Alaska

    The purchase of Alaska
    Russia wanted to sell Alaska because it became an economic burden due to threat of British takeover. Russia found Seward and he convince congress in 1867 to but Alaska. This came know as Seward''s Folly
  • Yellow Press

    Yellow Press
    It is the actively promoting of war fever in the US these thing include crime,disaster,and scandal. Two famous one were Joseph Pulitzer's Words and William Randolph Heart's Journal
  • Cuba Revolt

    Cuba Revolt
    The Cuban nationalists renewed there struggle to over throw Spanish colonial rule by sabotage and laying waste to Cuban plantation. They did this to get Spain to withdraw or pull US as an ally. However Spain sent in General Valeriano Weyler to crush the revolt
  • The Influence of Sea Party

    The Influence of Sea Party
    This was a book written by Alfred Thayer Mahen and it argued the that the sea was the key to world dominance and it stimulated the naval race among the great party
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Annexation of Hawaii
    The U.S wanted Hawaii for business so that Hawaiian sugar could be sold duty free in the U.S. However Queen Liliuokalani opposed so she was overthrew in 1893
  • Queen Liluokalani

    Queen Liluokalani
    Liliuokalani was the first ever women to rule over Hawaii. As Queen she tried to implement a new constitution that would restore powers to the lost monarchy. However a coup was staged to get rid of her by John Stevens.
  • De Lome Letter

    De Lome Letter
    This was a Spanish diplomat's letter that was leaked to the press and printed on Hearst't Journal. The letter was critical to President McKinley
  • Sinking of the Maine

    Sinking of the Maine
    The U.S battleship Maine was anchor at Cuba when it suddenly exploded and killed 260 American on Board. The yellow press said Spain did it.
  • McKinley's War message

    McKinley's War message
    After the sinking of the Main McKinley ask to have a ceasefire in Cuba. Spain agreed however the President due to pressure by congress and U.S he sent a issue for war. He offer four reasons for the U s to intervene in Cuban Revolution. These reasons were to end blood shed in Cuba,protect U.S lives in Cuba, end injury to trade, end menace to peace
  • Teller Amendment

    Teller Amendment
    It state that once the war with Spain ended the U.S will not take control of Cuba but leave it to the people.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This treaty was made in Paris and state that they recognize america occupation of the area and to remove all solders from Cuba
  • Hawaii becomes fiftieth state

    Hawaii becomes fiftieth state
    Due to the outbreak of war in the Philippines it gave Congress and President McKinley pretext to complete Hawaii annexation,
  • Battle of Manila Bay

    Battle of Manila Bay
    This battle contribute to the final U.S victory in the Spanish War. This battle made Commodore Dewey a national hero as he fought against George Dewey. This battled resulted in the Philippines.
  • Open Door policy

    Open Door policy
    It was a statement of principles that was initiated by U.S for the protection of equal privileges among countries trading with china and in support Chinese territorial and administrative. moral values.
  • Emilo Aguinaldo

    Emilo Aguinaldo
    He was a leader of Filipino nationalists who sought Independence rather than let the U.S be in charge in the The Philippine-American War,
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    A secret society of Chinese nationalists know as the Society of Harmonious Fists attacked foreign settlements and murdered Christian missionaries. U.S troops with an international force quickly crushed the rebellion and force china to pay huge costs
  • Policy of Attraction

    Policy of Attraction
    It was a policy during the war that designed to win over key elites and other Filipinos who did not embrace Aguinaldo's plans. This policy gained more poplar appeal which help win the war.
  • Big Stick Policy

    Big Stick Policy
    Theodore Roosevelt describe his foreign policy was to speak softly and carry a big stick. The press thought his big stick was Roosevelt's aggressive foreign policy.
  • Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

    Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
    This Treaty gave U.S to build the canal alone.
  • The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

    The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
    A effect of Roosevelt's big-stick diplomacy involved Latin Americans that were in deep financial trouble and could not pay their tax back. Instead of letting Europeans handle this the U.S. intervene instead whenever necessary. This allow U.S to send gun boats to Latin American country's.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    Tensions between Russia and Japan led to a war that Japan end up winning. To end the conflict Roosevelt arranged diplomatic conference between them at Portsmouth. They both agreed to the treaty however Japanese nationalists blame U.S for not giving everything they deserve from Russia
  • Building the Canal

    Building the Canal
    The Canal was completed in 1914 however plenty of labors lost their lives. The Canal building was completed with the help George Goethals whose was chief engineer and Dr.William Gorgas who job was to kill mosquitoes.
  • Triple Entente

    Triple Entente
    It was association between Great Britain,France,and Russia they were the nucleus of the Allied powers.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    It's a foreign policy that was mildly expansionist but depended more on investor's dollars than on military force.
  • Austrian Archduke assassinated

    Austrian Archduke assassinated
    A Serbian nationalist kills Francis Ferdinand and family whose who was throne of Austro-Hungarian empire. This led Austrian government to declare war on Serbia.
  • Great Britain naval blockade

    Great Britain naval blockade
    Great Britain was the first country to declare a naval blockade against Germany by taking the North sea and seizing ships include U.S ships. President Wilson said this a violation of right to freedom of the seas.
  • Lusitania Crisis

    Lusitania Crisis
    This was the first major crisis that was challenged U,S neutrality. This is when German torpedoes hit and sank a British passenger liner called the Lusitania.
  • Sussex pledge

    Sussex pledge
    It's was the German promise not to sink merchant or passenger ships without giving due warning .
  • Zimmermann Telegram

    Zimmermann Telegram
    During March 1 newspapers carrying that carried shocking new of a secret offer made by Germany to Mexico. This was Intercepted by British intelligence. It proposed Mexico to ally itself with Germany in return they help recover lost territory.
  • Espionage and Sedition Acts

    Espionage and Sedition Acts
    Thanks to a number of socialists and pacifists that was criticizing the government war policy.The Espionage act said imprisonment up to 20 years who tried to incite rebellion in armed forces or obstruct of draft. The sedition act prohibit making remarks about disloyal or abusive remarks about the U.S government.
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    Thanks to the fear of communism takeover of Russia and the worry of labor unrest. The anti-German hysteria post war turned into anti-Communist hysteria know as the Red Scare