Pena&King-Tex Rev7th

  • Period: to

    Texas Revolution

    The beginning and end of the Texas Revolution
  • Battle of Gonzales

    The first battle of Texas' war of Independence from Texas. They used A cannon in attack "Come and Take It". They were fighting for the cannon and the Mexican constiituation.
  • Consultation of 1835

    Considerable discord among the members as to the best course to follow in its deadlines with Mexican Group. Stephan Austin was away with Texas forces. Work toward a compromise in the positions of the other two.
  • Siege of San Antonio

    Texians attacked in early December and accepted the Mexican surrender. Some famous peoples names including Jim Bowie, Stephan F. Austin, Edward Burleson, James Fannin, and Francis W. Johnson
  • Siege of the Alamo

    Mexican troops entered San Antonio de Bexar, Texas and surrounded the Alamo Mission. The Alamo was defended by a small group of Texians and Tejanos, led by Willam B. Travis and James Bowie. The siege ended when the Mexican Army launched an early morning assult. Most of the defender were killed.
  • Convention of 1836

    The Convention was called order on March1, and the following day adopted the Texas Declaration of Independence written by George Childress. On Marcg 6, received a missive from the Texan soilders besieged at the Alamo and commander-in-chief Sam Houston narrowly convinced the men to continue there work on the constitution rather than to rush aid to the soilders. After the Alamo fell, Santa Anna's army marched towards Washington-on-the-Brazos, prompting the new government flee.
  • Texas Declaration of Independence

    The Texas Declerataion of Independence was the formal declerataion of independence of the Republic of Texas from Mexico in the Texas Revolution. It was adopted at the Convention of 1836 at Washington-on-the-Brazos on March 2, 1836, and formly signed the following day after errors were noted in text
  • Siege and Battle of the Alamo

    The morning of March 6 the siege ended when the Mexicans storm the Alamo fortress. During the battle all of the Texan defenders were killed. Several non-combatants were spared. Partly to reinforce his goal of terrorizing colonist in Texas, Santa Anna released this small party to inform Texans of the fate of the defenders.
  • Runaway Scrape March 11-April 21, 1836

    Texas setters fled there homes after receiving reports of the Mexican Army gathering at the Rio Grande in preparation to invade and retake Texas. A large scale exoducts occured after a string of Texian battle loses in the rebellion against the Centralist Mexican government.
  • Battle of Coleto Creek March 19-20. 1836

    General Urrea defeats Colonel James Fannin near Goliad/ Coleto Creek. Fannin surrenders/ dies.A few escaped the battle but most were killed.
  • Goliad Campaign

    The Goliad Campaign refers to a series of battles which occured in 1836 as part of the Texas Revolution, which ultimately led to the Goliad massacre. Troops from the army of Mexico defeated Texian forces in several clashes, and eventually massacred many of their prisoners of war.
  • Battle Of San Jacinto

    Led by Sam Houston, the Texian Army engaged and defeated General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna's Mexican forces in a fight that lasted just 18 minutes. About 630 of the Mexican soilders were killed and 730 were captured, while only 9 texans died. Santa Anna was captured the following day and held as a prisoner of war. Three weeks later, he signed the peace treaty that dicated that the Mexican army leave the region, paving the way of the Republic of Texas to become an independent country.