
  • 4.3 Language

    My native/first language is American Sign Language.
    I know that my first sign was when I was probably one year old and it was "milk," with one hand reaching out and squeezing. This is because I was born deaf, and my parents are deaf, and so their native language is sign language as well, so they raised me at home using ASL all the time.
  • 5.1a Child Attachment

    When I was a baby at the age of about 1 years old, I was pretty independent but I also feel more comfortable and able to explore when my parents are in the room with me. After talking to my mom, she said that I got upset when she left the room for a while, and I always respond in delight when she came back to me. This is a perfect demonstration of the secure attachment coined by Ainsworth and Bowlby. This carried throughout my childhood as well; I missed and got sad without my mom in the dorms.
  • 4.3b Language

    My second language is English.
    I started learning English probably when I was about 2 years old. My parents made sure to let me read books with English words and so I learned to write English faster and better, during the period of rapid development and learning. Then I got in preschool, which helped me pick up English at a much faster pace, and from that point I have always used both languages everyday (ASL & English).
    I am bilingual.
    I do not know what my first English word was, though. :(
  • 4.1 My First Memory

    My first (autobiographical) memory that I can recall is from when I was about 2 and 1/2 years old. The memory is kept in part because it was traumatic. I remember seeing my parents (who soon divorced that year) fight for my first time, and they were screaming. They also signed big and threw things at each other in the living room. I remember being on the couch watching the whole thing.
    This memory bypassed infantile amnesia, and is implanted in my explicit memory, which is long term as well.
  • 5.3a Gender

    I remember when I was a toddler I was expected to grow up into a masculine man (my parents moved from Europe) I never did. I remember being a toddler and seeing my genitals, realizing that I am a male. I had a gender identity confusion when I realized I liked playing with Barbie dolls as well I liked firetrucks and video games. My gender expression was quite different but not opposite of my sex or gender identity. They didn't coincide, but they were not matched perfectly according to society.
  • 4.2 Intelligence

    Gardner's Intrapersonal intelligence
    I remember being about 7 and asking myself why I am trying to read an "adult" book (it was Harry Potter!) and I analyzed the situation, then I determined that I had to wait till I get older to read the books with "big words", and proceeded to pick up a child book. This is 12 years ago, and I still am good at analyzing myself and situations, that may or may not involve myself, and I usually am able to understand myself or the others.
    Im majoring in psych! :)
  • 6.1b My Birth Order

    6.1b My Birth Order
    I experienced both sides: only child AND being oldest out of four kids. In my mom's home, I'm only child and I was spoiled and got attention a lot. At my dad's home, I was responsible for being mature and watched the younger 3 kids frequently. I developed independence skills and I also got rivalry between myself and my half siblings because of being spoiled by my mom at my other home that they didn't get from their mother. My birth order personality as the firstborn totally matches the book.
  • 3.1 My Health

    The most significant health issue I ever had is a broken wrist. My left wrist broke from playing and exercising in my school's playground. I was about 9 and it was right before the beginning of a summer. I had to go to the hospital and get a x-ray copy done. Then I had to put my wrist in a hard cast for two months, wasting my entire summer. The treatment resulted in a great outcome, it was completely healed at the end but I have to prevent it from getting broken again or it'll be more severe.
  • 3.2 Older Adult Health

    The most impactful adult health condition I saw is my uncle(62). He smoked and drank a lot then a couple years ago he developed severe arthritis in his left leg. Due to the substance use and lack of good nutrition, the leg also developed inflamed and swollen blood clots that prevented circulation in his left leg. The prevention treatment was too late and he was at risk of developing cancer in that leg so it had to be amputated.
    This made me truly realize to never smoke, and I also do not drink.
  • 1.1 The Present

    1.1 The Present
    I'm Pawel Smistek.
    My chronological age=18 years
    My current physical state reflects younger biological age (17 yrs)
    My social age is so much more older due to my strong independence, maturity, and ability to function as an adult.
    Normative age-graded influences on my life are very common. I am attending college like most my age.
    A normative history-graded influence on my life is the attacks of 9/11, which upgraded security everywhere.
    NN life event=coming out to my parents&moving out due to it
  • 2.1 Fertility

    2.1 Fertility
    I'm gay–I would have a male partner so a baby will be through surrogate/adoption
    A 25 yrs old fertile lady is implanted with sperm for it to begin conception with the egg–fertilization. The lady's phenotypes are favorable - increases the chances of healthy baby. Her family history have no X-linked diseases, or chromosomal abnormalities. Approved by genetic counselor
    During embryonic period–she drank lots alcohol–a teratogen that caused the baby being born with FASD– can be avoided by no drinking
  • 5.2 Identity

    I am used to being in identity foreclosure. I was raised by my parents being expected to be successful a lot, mainly academics. They want me to do something important so thats why I chose to pursue a law career. However, I detected myself going into the stage of identity moratorium (identity crisis) because I have to declare my majors soon and I don't know for sure if I want to commit to the choices that I made, such as the law career and psychology major. This will affect my identity status.
  • 5.1b Adult Attachment

    After reading, I determined that my adult attachment style is dismissive-avoidant. I am very independent and I don't like to depend on the others, so I have a harder time being in a relationship with my boyfriend but its going well because he don't depend on me too much as well. At first I denied and rejected my feelings for my boyfriend then he figured out my adult attachment style and confronted me about it, which helped me open up and made myself vulnerable, which I also don't like.
  • 5.3b Sexuality

    After going through gender identity confusion, I determined that I am a male man, which matched my sex. However, it didn't mean that I would like girls because later on I realized that my sexuality is homosexuality. I found males to be attractive than females, and currently I am in a romantic relationship with a man. I did have a period of time when I was unsure of my gender identity because of my sexual orientation, but I realized that I am confident in both the gender identity & sexuality. :)
  • 6.1a My Family

    6.1a My Family
    Currently, my family is at its most interesting time. My mom and dad divorced when I was 2, and my dad got remarried to my former maid/cook/babysitter, who is now my stepmom. They're divorcing now. So, since the age of 2, I had a single mother and a dad with his wife-my stepmother, it is considered a nontraditional family. On my stepmom's side, I have a step-family, consisting of step grandparents & such so. I lived with both sides of my family growing up. I also three half siblings: 2 sis 1 bro
  • 6.3a Impacted by Death

    6.3a Impacted by Death
    I was close with a friend's grandma so much that I called her nana too. When she was dying a few years ago, it was hard to believe because of the denial. We denied it and hoped that she would live little longer with surgeries (bargaining), then I got upset with the doctors for not making her live longer (anger stage) and I also got depressed because I didn't want to lose her. Eventually, after her death, I accepted it and went through grieving, so I didn't experience prolonged or disenfranchise.
  • 6.2 Learning Disability

    I don't have a learning disability but if my future child (age 5) does, he/she would get an IEP, individualized education program. This can help the child by providing the accommodations and help needed to succeed in school. For example if they have autism, I will make sure they have a specialized teacher who know how to work with kids with autism. If they have ADHD, I can get him to a doctor and medical treatments that help them to cope with the disorder and pay attention better in school.
  • 6.3b My Death

    6.3b My Death
    I will die at age of 102. I would like to be laid in a tomb made of white marble and gold interior, the same as my grandma. I would like my family to mourn me with their traditional Roman Catholic way. Then at the funeral, I would like for the funeral to begin in a church with a priest, then a celebration, not depressing mourning, and I want a big fireworks show above the casket. I want the party after the funeral to be all gold/white, NOT black, and everyone to talk about good memories of me.