Our 3rd Grade Experience

By dduray
  • Period: to

    2011-2012 school year

  • Butterflies

    we studied butterflies. We watch videos and grown butterflies. And then we let them go and fly away. And we learned about life cycles.We made a life cycle it shows what happens when they are butterflies .And when the eggs hatched out of the chirelos . Then it turns into a butterfly .And they flap their wings to dry then they can fly.And east any kind of fruit so they mostly drink juice from the fruit.Butter are so fun to let go and see them grow. That is all we know about butterflies.
  • Specials P.E., Art, Music

    Specials P.E., Art, Music
    Specials, P.E., Art, Music
    Date: All year
    P.E.: Ms. Heviland teaches us all kinds of different sports. When we start class we start out with stretches. Then Ms.Heviland will teach us a cool game or a fun sport. Art: Art is a really creative kind of specials. You can make cool pictures and fun and creative clay pieces. She teaches us lots of fun and creative things in Art. Music: Our Music teacher will teach us fun and musical games. When we go to specials we really enjoy it.
  • YPP - Dibels - Acuity

    YPP - Dibels - Acuity
    YPP is a learning icon it is for reading and other stuff.We do this because we need to be a successful student.We do YPP every Thursday to learn to read we only have done reading to Dibels is just like YPP because it is reading this goes on are report card because we need to know if we grew or not. We need to grow because are prents want to know how we do.Dibels is something we do to see if we know big words. Acuity is like TCAP because they are both tests and they both are reading.
  • Google Docs

    Google Docs
    Google docs is a cool website were you get to draw,make test and stories, and you can evan make sites too.
  • Mrs. Paula

    Mrs. Paula
    Mrs. Paula helps us to read better than we used to. First, she picks 2 groups to read with her. Next, Mrs. Paula puts us in order to read so we don’t get mixed up. Then, she asks us to pick a book to read. Finally, she asks us to write a summary about that book we read.
    Most of the events Mrs. paula has been to are ice cream party and popsicles.
  • Kidblog

    First we are going to talk about kidblog. We started kidblog in September. Kidblog is a fun way to talk to other classes and friends. We love making cool posts and stories on Kidbllog. It is so cool.
  • Edmodo

    Edmodo is a fun online recorce that you use to communiate with people and get assiments and have fun. Edmodo is so much fun.
  • Butterfly Pavilion

    Butterfly Pavilion
    I learned a lot of stuff in the butterfly pavillion. At the butterfly pavillion we had to do a scavenger hunt. We were suppose to find butterflies, fish, palm tree, and a finger plant. It had a tarantula, Rosie, we got to hold. There was a maze and at the end of the maze there was a zip line. It was total fun!
  • Banana Museum

    Banana Museum
    The banana musem was 4 days before Halloween.Our whole class dressed up bananas and made a poem that was what the banana was and how it should work. The top banana was Blain’s, Cody Surf Banana. ( Cody is from Surfs Up ) The whole school was invited to the banana museum. We did a dance in the gym that Jamie taught us. The song was Thriller from Michael Jackson. We had banana splits for our Halloween celebration.
  • Planner

    A planner is a calendar that you write in. You bring it home and back to school so it can get signed by your teacher and your parent. What you put in a planner is your homework and special events that are coming up like we did TCAP in March. You also write if you have school or not. In 3rd grade you do planner every day at the end of the day. You can put all the information that you need to remember in the week or month or any time. Our planners are almost full because we have used it a lot.
  • How To Writing

    We stared How To Writings a week before Christmas. We got to pick our topic I picked how to decorate a Christmas Tree. When we got back to School after Christmas break we got our How To Writing. It had all of our How To Writings that we made in 27 different books.
  • Raz-kids\Lexia

    Raz - Kid \ Lexia Raz Kids and lexia helps you read better. It also keeps you fervent. Lexia is reading and activetys. The fun thing abouhese two is that it is on the computurs. Raz kids also has tons of booksand wen you pass a leval you get harder things. Wen you read a book you get 50 poents and wen you pass a test you get 300 pounts. Me myself Vincent got over athousend ponts I got evry thing on raz rocet. By:Vincent & Jayden
  • Shared Reading

    Shared Reading
    Shared Reading could have nonfiction stories and it could help us read. Shared reading can help us by people having a trouble with reading. Shared reading is fun a lot of kids like to do it at school. Shared Reading is a helpful tool for children to use. Shared Reading is helpful because you can learn new stories and funny stuff .you can hear funny stories and learning stories.

    by:Elysia, Abby, Joy
  • Game day!!!

    Game day!!!
    Game Day!!! Game day is a day of fun!!! You can bring electronics like ds,Ipods,kindles and more!!! When we fill up are marble jar we get a game day!!! If we fill it up to the top we get to choose what we can do!!! The date was february 14th on a tuesday!!!ItIt was valentines day so we got candy and electronics and we got to hang with friends too!!!! Game day is in awesome day!!! We hope you get one too!!!
  • TCAP

    TCAP By: Sasha and Kiersten
    Tcap is all about the things you know like reading, writing and math. All of these steps have date’s. Like the reading assessment was on Feb,6th/2012 and ended in Feb,8th/2012. There is only one two three steps in tcap. Like one is reading.Two is writing. And three is math. In tcap they also time your whole class. When you are taking the test you can’t copy anyone's paper. That’s all you need to know. Your teacher will tell you the rest.
  • Reasearch prject!!!

    Reasearch prject!!!
    Research project!!!! We research about what we wanted to!!!!! We had to find are books and read them and have pieces of paper and would write things that are interested and write it down!!!! Then we had to go on some of the sites and look for captions!!!! We had to finish are google docs and get are words for the glossary done and print to put under your captions!!!!! Then we got to do the fun part!!! We did our report and put everything on are tri folds and looked at every bodys and lear
  • City , Rural , Suburb

    City , Rural , Suburb
    We started studying City, Rural, and Suburbanan around March and April. A city is a big place with a lot of traffic and Apartments and so much things to do.
    A suburban is a place where there is a lot of grass, schools, area and places to play and go. A lot of people carpool to work, school and other places too.
    A rural has a lot of space and most people in the rural say they live in the country. There is big animals too and these people have lots of farms on their land.
  • Class Dojo

    Class Dojo
    Class Dojo records our bad behavior in class. If your are bad in class you will get a negative and if you good you get a positive.
  • Miss. Drew

    Miss. Drew
    Miss drew was a helper to 3rd grade. She came all week exept friday. She was a great helper. She was a high schooler at pomana and gratuated in 2012. Miss. Drew was here till may 17th.
  • Olde town Arvada

    Olde town Arvada
    At Olde Town Arvada we went to the Flour Mill. Then the Out house and we got to go on a scavenger hunt. We also went to the school that only had 1 teacher. We also went to the Barth building. My opinion is we should go again.
  • Fild Day

    Fild Day
    Fild Day
    By: Sasha and Kiersten Fild day is all different relays. Mostly there are 16 different relays on fild day. Our fild day was on the 18th of May. Fild day is so so fun, fild day is so AWESOME! Fild day is a thing that you do for the end of the school year. Fild day is when you get all your energy out just like P.E.
  • states of matter

    states of matter
    States of matter is a solid liquid gas and plasma. Evaporation means the water in the lake or somewhere go’s up in the sky and forms a cloud and when the cloud gets too heavy it rains. The son is the most important piece.
  • Last Day of School

    Last Day of School
    Today is our last day of school! We have had a wonderful year and today we enjoyed watching Mrs. Duray's favorite movie... The Wizard of Oz!