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  • Marxist Revolutionaries Split

    Marxist Revolutionaries Split
    Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenn becomes the leader.
  • The battle for Korea

    The battle for Korea
    Throughout the course of the late 1800s, there was a large battle for control of Korea as well as Manchuria. After years of battle the two teams compromised for an agreement over the territories, which Russia eventually broke. This created a huge retailliatoin on the Japan side, and a revolt was born.
  • The Sunday Massacre

    The Sunday Massacre
    A grand total of 200,000 families came to the Czar's Palace hoping to return with better working conditions, personal freedom, as well as an elected national legislature. Nicholas II's Generals immediatly demanded his soldiers shoot into the crowd. This horrendous event triggered many strikes, Nicholas eventually promised freedom as a result.
  • The Demise of the Duma

    The Demise of the Duma
    Russia's first Parliament, known as the Duma, met in May 1906. The leaders of this prominent society were moderates who wanted Russia to become a constitutional monarchy like Britian, THe czar dissolved the Duma within ten weeks.
  • Russia's unpreparedness

    Russia's unpreparedness
    In 1914, Nicholas II made the fateful decision to enter Russia into the Great War. Russia, unprepared to handle military and economic costs, were mowed down in the war easily by Russia. More than 4 million Russian soldiers had been killed, wounded, or taken prisoner.
  • Riot Revolution

    Riot Revolution
    Women who worked in textile factoies in Petrograd began a strike. Close to 200,000 workers were involved in the street swarm. Soldiers eventually let off their initial command to shoot down the rioters
  • Bolshevik Brigade

    Bolshevik Brigade
    In 1917, factory workers unexpectadly attacked the Winter Palace, located in Petrograd. This band of workers referred to themselves as the Bolshevik Red Guards. They would end up taking over government offices and arrested leaders of the provisional government.
  • The Brest-Litovsk Agreement

    The Brest-Litovsk Agreement
    In 1918, Germany and Russia agred to a treaty known as the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. This treaty resulted in Russia giving up a large mass of its territories to Germany and its allies. Anger in Russia grew and they objected the Bolsheviks.
  • A New Battle Emerges

    A New Battle Emerges
    Eventually, the countries split into two sides: The Bloshevik Red Army and the Monarchists White Army. A vicious Civil War would break out. Several nations, such as the US sent milirary aid to assist the White Army, however it was of no use.
  • The NEP takes effect

    The NEP takes effect
    In 1921, leader Lenin put aside his plan for a state-controlled economy. Lenin went to a version of capitalism- New Economic Policy (NEP). The reforms under this plan included peasents possesing the ability to sell surplus crops. The government allowed some factories, businesses, etc. to operate under private ownership.
  • Stalin Takes The Throne

    Stalin Takes The Throne
    In 1922 Lenin suffered a stroke. Lenin would survive, but it caused an uproar as to who should lead the Communist Party. Joseph Stalin, a cold-hearted, ruthless leader, would emerge from the crowd. He was regarded as a highly dangerous man by many.