
No Corrupt Bargain Timeline (Jacksonian Democracy)

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    No Corrupt Bargain Timeline

  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    There was no corrupt bargain between Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams in this warped version of the election. Andrew Jackson ended up winning by far with the electoral college votes and popularity. This easy win pushed back some of Andrew's hard work since the win came easy, and he didn't have to work as much to achieve the same thing in the actual reality. This might create a different downward spiral through time.
  • No Tariff of Abomination

    No Tariff of Abomination
    Since Andrew Jackson was elected 4 years earlier, all the ideas he had for office were good overall, but conflicting with the country for the stance people had politically during the time. Sure, it was only 4 years, but these new events had a great impact even in the 4 year difference. Since the tariff was originally put forth in 1828, it delt with the issues going on in that time but Jackson saw signs of the tariff issues and resolved those problems earlier, which led no tariff of abomination.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    If Jackson was elected earlier he would still have a problem with the American Indians, but the Indians would have stayed in the south and the farmers never got the land they given up in the first place, resulting in a newfound southern economic depression in the territories effected.
  • No Trail of Tears

    No Trail of Tears
    If jackson wasn't elected then the indians woul have never moved west.The indians would have staye south and this event would never have been needed saving many lives of Indians and drama between Jackson and the Indians. Since Jackson however was the man he is, he would definetily make sure his dislike towards American Indians was known which could later result in troubles.
  • Second National Bank Remains Standing

    Second National Bank Remains Standing
    The Banks were never vetoed. They got 2/3 of congress to void the veto and the banks stayed the same from misunderstanding on Jackson's part. Congress was too focused on trying to correct the depression in Southern territories they didn't want to keep making changes and went against Jackson's decision to destroy the second National Bank.
  • Jackson Became Very Poor

    Jackson Became Very Poor
    Jackson made corrupted decisions along the line of his presidency since there was no corrupt bargain. He never followed through with the original plans mainly because the people of the time weren't ready for those changes, like they originally would have been if he was elected 4 years later like he was in history. Jackson ends up spiraling downwards (along with now the whole country's economy) and uses government money to fufill his gambling urges.
  • Southern Economic Depression

    Southern Economic Depression
    In the long run, the Indian Removal Act was never carried out with if Jackson was elected 4 years prior to he actual winning election. The Indian Removal act would make American Indians move from the South to the West. Farmers would buy the land that Indians were forced from and make a profit. Since the Indian Removal Act never happened and the Indians stayed put, farmers of the South never made the money they needed and this caused the South to fall into ecomic depression.
  • Jackson Impeachment?

    Jackson Impeachment?
    Jackson moves South as somewhat a last half-hearted attempt to appear great and pretend to try and fix things. He believed since the economic depression started in the South he should attack the problem head on. Everybody now hate Jackson because of his foolish behaviors, and wants to experiment with the first impeaching of the president. Laws are being created, but it a slow process and looks of him actually being impeached were on the rise but not certain.
  • Jackson Dead!

    Jackson Dead!
    Jackson was shot by an arrow and killed by the Cherokee Indians when he went into a fight against American Indians. American Indians were quite aware of the harsh feelings Jackson felt towards them and were always threatened by him. On this night in 1838, Jackson was trying to assert his dominance and leadership (overall being rude and inconsiderate), and attacked the Cherokee. The Cherokee fought in self defense and killed Jackson. This was the tragic end of Jackson.