Flint 19th century1

Chapter 10 Timeline

  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    A protective tariff passed by the U.S. Congress that came to be known as the "Tariff of Abominations" to its Southern detractors because of the effects it had on the Antebellum Southern economy; it was the highest tariff in U.S. peacetime and its goal was to protect industry in the northern United States from competing for European goods by increasing the prices of European products.
    Attempt to keep the American system running.
  • Jackson vetoes the Maysville Road Bill

    Jackson vetoes the Maysville Road Bill
    A veto by Jackson that prevented the Maysville road from being funded by federal money since it only benefited Kentucky. This was a blow to Clay's American System, and it irritated the West.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The Indian Removal Act. Law passed by Congress in 1830 and supported by President Andrew Jackson allowing the U.S. government to remove the Native Americans from their eastern homelands and force them to move west of the Mississippi River. Many tribes signed treaties and agreed to voluntary removal.
  • Cherokee Nation vs Georgia

    Cherokee Nation vs Georgia
    Worcester was being convicted of trespassing, for being in the Cherokee land, without a license. Worcester refused to go out of the territory, so the U.S. Army went in it and fished him out, as well as six other people. Also, the Cherokee tried to gain power but failed.
  • Worcester vs Georgia

    Worcester vs Georgia
    In 1830 a Georgia law had required whites in the territory to get licenses authorizing their residence there and to take an oath of allegiance to the state. Two New England missionaries among the Indians refused and were sentenced to four years at hard labor. On appeal, their case reached the Supreme Court as Worcester v. Georgia (1832), and the Court held that the Cherokee Nation within which Georgia law had no force. The Georgia law was therefore unconstitutional.
  • South Carolina passes Ordinances of Nullification

    South Carolina passes Ordinances of Nullification
    South Carolina created an Ordinance of Nullification in 1832. It declared that the federal Tariff of 1828 and of 1832 was unconstitutional and South Carolina just wasn't going to follow them! South Carolina didn't want to pay taxes on goods it didn't produce.
  • Bank Recharter Bill

    Bank Recharter Bill
    In 1832, President Jackson vetoed a politically motivated proposal to renew the charter of the second Bank of the United States. Jackson's veto message asserted that the Bank was unconstitutional, a specially privileged institution, and vulnerable to control by foreign investors.
  • Force Bill

    Force Bill
    The Force Bill authorized President Jackson to use the army and navy to collect duties on the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832. South Carolina's ordinance of nullification had declared these tariffs null and void, and South Carolina would not collect duties on them. The Force Act was never invoked because it was passed by Congress the same day as the Compromise Tariff of 1833, so it became unnecessary. South Carolina also nullified the Force Act.
  • Congress passesed Henry Clay's compromise tariff with Jackson's support

    Congress passesed Henry Clay's compromise tariff with Jackson's support
    After Jackson issued his proclamation, Congress passed the Force Act that authorized the use of military force against any state that resisted the tariff acts. In 1833, Henry Clay helped broker a compromise bill with Calhoun that slowly lowered tariffs over the next decade.
  • Martin Van Buren is elected president

    Martin Van Buren is elected president
    Governor of NY to ensure electoral votes for Andrew Jackson who awarded him the Secretary of State in 1829. VP 1832 under Andrew Jackson. 8th President of U.S. 1836.
  • Financial panic deflates the economy

    Financial panic deflates the economy
    The panic of 1837 had many different causes, most notably the bad harvests in Europe and a large trade imbalance between Britain and the United States that caused the Bank of England to start calling in loans to American merchants; frightened citizens thronged the banks to try to get their money out, and businesses rushed to liquefy their remaining assets to pay off debts; another run on the banks and ripples of business failures deflated.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Cherokees' own term for their forced march, 1838-1839, from the southern Appalachians to Indian lands (Oklahoma); of 15,000 forced to march, 4,000 died on the way.
  • Independent Treasury established

    Independent Treasury established
    Passed Congress in 1840, government would hold its revenues rather than deposit them in banks, thus keeping the funds away from private corporations; "America's Second Declaration of Independence" result of the divorce bill
  • William Henry Harrison is elected president

    William Henry Harrison is elected president
    Governor of Indiana Territory 1800-12. Defeated Chief Tecumseh at Battle of Tippecanoe 1811. Brigadier general in War of 1812 defeated British and Indians in Battle of Thames 1813. House Representatives 1816-19. U.S. Senate 1825-28 from Ohio. Whig Presidential candidate 1936 lost. First Whig President 1840. gave the longest inauguration speech ever in the rain died of pneumonia a month later. Ninth President of the United States, and the first President to die in office.