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Andrew Jackson

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    Cumberland Road

    Cumberland Road is also known as the National Road or Route 40. George Wahington and Thomas Jefferson believed that a road was needed to travel to western settlements. In 1806 the National Road was officially authorized by Congress. The road connected Cumberland, Mariland and the Ohio RIver.
    The first 10 miles of the road was built in 1811 and then finished in 1834.
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    Erie of good Feeling

    The era of good feeling started by a Borsten Newspaper during Monroe's tour of the northern states. The era of good feeling started at the election of Monroe and the end of war. The reason this era got the name was for the calmness and sense of safety everyone felt at the time.
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    Erie Canal

    The erie Canal was the first ever major canal projects was about 363 miles longs connecting Buffalo and New York. The canal connected many major trading and manufacturing areas in the nation dropping many costs.
  • Election of John Quincy Adams

    In the election of 1824 there were four canidates. The first part of the election was the electoral college. The winner was Andrew Jackson, second place winner was John Quincy Adams. Following them was Crawford and Clay. However, because of the fact that none of the candidates had earned a majority of the electoral votes they had to have the house of repersentatives choose between the top two candidates, Jackson and Adams. Due to this a deal was struck between Clay and Adams to help Adams win.
  • Georgia Gold Rush

    No one knows who for certain, besides the Native Americans, found the gold in Georgia. However once the news got out it attracted many ill-natured people. By 1830 people had began mining for gold. In 1832 there was a problem with the fact that the Cherokee Nation owned the land they had been minning on. The solution to this problem was that they seized their land and divided it up in a lot drawing.
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations was named by southerns when Congress placed a high tariff on imports. The southerns were outraged and believed that the Tariff hurt their economy.
  • Indian Removal Act

    The leaders wanted the Native Americans land because the land was good farming however the Indians refused. An act was passed that the Indians would get new land if they moved, but they land they recieve was bad farming and many died off.
  • Election of Andrew Jackson

    Jackson Supporters were so determined that Jackson would win that they created the Democratic Party in order to support his candidacy. The election of 1828 was like a remake of the election of 1824. The election was mostly based on the seperate candidates' personality. Jackson ended up winning the election.
  • Indian Removal

    Many leaders wanted the land from Georgia to Mississippi for American farmers! Congress passed the Indian Removal Act in 1830. This allowing the removal of all indians on the East of the Mississippi River.
  • Sauk Removal

    Native Americans tried to fight U.S troops. In 1832 they were running out of supplies and lost in 1850.
  • Worchester V. Georgia

    Cherokee believed that if they adopted the culture of white people, less conflict would occur. This didn't work because when gold was found on Cherokee territory and Georgia wanted them to move. The Cherokee sued in 1832 and the court ruled in their favor.
  • Jackson Vetos the 2nd National Bank

    Jackson had always questioned the National Bank. He believe that the bank favored the rich over the poorand was unconstitutional. He said the states should have power over the bank. So in 1832 Jackson veto the bill and Congress failed to recieve the 2/3 vote needed to override his veto.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification crisis was the conflict between supporters and opponents of the increased taxes. After the publishing of Expostion and Protest John C. Calhoun, a great opposer of the high tariff, resigned from Vice Presidency to joined the Senate and continue to argue in the favor of nullification.
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    Second Seminole war

    The war occured in Florida and started when the Seminole leader Osceola ordered his people to fight with force. Eventruly Osceola was arrested, but they did not stop. 4,000 Seminole were removed and hundreds were killed.
  • Election of Martin Van Buren

    In 1836 Jsckson was unale to run for reelectionn so he gave his support to his secatary of state. Martin Van Buren was the less popular person, but ended up winning the election due to his ties to Jackson.
  • Panic of 1837

    The panic of 1837 was a finanicial crisis. Martin Van Buren had inherieted Jackson's finanicial problems which cause the crisis.
  • Panic of 1837

    Due to Jackson's decision to end funds from the Bank of United States the countries country's credit and econmic stability wwas undermineded. Also causing banks to print their own money flooding the economy and taking more money away from farmers.
  • Trail of Tears

    President Jackson violated his oath when not inforcing the court's decision and let U.S troops remove the Cherokee. The Cherokee were forced to march 800 miles during which 1/4 of their population died.