Andrew jackson (1767 1845) former u.s. president   old hickory 1

jacksons time

  • Period: to

    jacksonian timespan

  • cumberland road

    cumberland road
    Cumberland road also known as the National road is the first fedral road and is the route to the northwest territory. A macadam pavement was completed to wheeling VA (now West Virgina)on the Ohio river by 1818. From 1833 the various sectitions of the road became the finacial responsibillity of the states in which they were situated. Under this arrangment cumberland road for the use of it was supposed to free but the subject state imposed tolls. couldn't find exact date.
  • The emergence of sectionalism

    The  emergence of sectionalism
    In 1815 the united states was a proud and very confident nation its second was with England had just sucessfully ended and Americans seemed united as never before the collapse of the federalist had left the Jeffersonian republicans in controll of virtually all important government offices. Sectional harmony was possible only as long as no one addressed the hard issues such as : slavery, race, the waestward expanision and the economic devolupment.
  • erie canal

    erie canal
    in order to keep pace in traffic with the erie canal, it had to be enlarged in 1836 and was finished in1862. It consist of 57 locks were built to hand barges of cargo up to 3000 pounds of the cargo and built a lift as tall as 6 to 40 feet long. in order to open the country west of the appalachian mountains to the settlers and offer a cheap and safe way to carry produce to a market the construction of the canal was proposed as early as 1768 the early proposals would connect hudson river.
  • era of good feelings

    era of good feelings
    in the war of 1812 closed with the fedralist party, but all destroyed. in 1816 presidental election was the last election when the fedrelaest ran a canadate. In 1818 congessional election brought another landslide victory for democratic republicans who controlled 85 percent of the seats in the U.S. congress.
    couldnt find excact date!
  • election of 1824

    election of 1824
    in the election of 1824 john quincy adams was the only northeren cadidate to run for president. there was two candidates in the west henry clay was one of kentucky popularly known as harry of the west he was a great lawyer congressman speaker of the house and senator. John quincy adams had the most electoral votes by 99 and needed 130 to win the elecion.
  • Sequoya writes the cherokee language

    Sequoya writes the cherokee language
    Sequoyah was born sometime between 1760 and 1776 in Overhills country near the Cherokee village of Tushkeegee on the Tennessee River.Sequoyah married a Cherokee woman and had a family.he and other Cherokees enlisted to fight on the side of the United States for General Andrew Jackson in the War of 1812 against the British and Creek Nation.
  • Tariff of abominations

    Tariff of abominations
    The Tariff of 1828, was a protective tariff passed by the Congress of the United States on May 19, 1828 designed to protect industry in the northern United StatesThe goal of the tariff was to protect industries in the northern United States which were being driven out of business by low-priced imported goods by putting a tax on them.
  • Election of andrew jackson 1828

    Election of andrew jackson 1828
    the 1828 presidental election was one of the dirtest ever and jackson believed that some reason his wife Rachel was driven tp an early grave by charges of immorality. In the election of andrew jackson the virginia presidental dynasty was going to an end with james moore. Compared to these en jackson had a scanty of statesmen.
  • worchester v. georgia

    worchester v. georgia
    samuel v. worchester and others non native americans were all indicated in the georgia supreme court. They were indicated under an 1830 act of the georgia legistlator. Worchester argurd that the state couldn't maintain prosecution.
  • indian removal act

    indian removal act
    president andrew jackson outlined an indian removle act. in his secound message to congress teo indian tribes accepted the statment for the revmoval act. the rest of the tribes must accept the same things.
  • 1831 Cherokee Nation .V.S. Georgia

    1831 Cherokee Nation .V.S. Georgia
    The bill is brought by the cherokee nation, praying an injuction to restrain the state of Georgia from an execution of certin laws of that state, which is to go directly to annihilate the cherokee as a political society and to seize for the use of Georgia the lands of the nation have been assured to them by the United States.
  • nullification crisis

    nullification crisis
    The tariff bill of 1816 was a sort compromise between the conflicting interests. A high duty was advocated on all of the goods which could unquestionably be produced in sufficient quantity in the United States.
  • President Jackson vetos the 2nd national bank of america

    President Jackson vetos the 2nd national bank of america
    July 10, 1832 ... By this act the American Republic proposes virtually to make them a present ,effect it is a bond of union among the banking establishments of the nation, I felt it my duty at an early period of my Administration to call the attention of Congress to the practicability of organizing an institution combining all its advantages and obviating these objections. I sincerely regret that in the act before me I can perceive none of those modifications of the bank charter which are necess
  • panic of 1837

    panic of 1837
    The early 1830's was a time of expanision and prosperity. Much of the growth in those years were from railroads and canals. Many of the national banks would often hord the specie cicullar.
  • secound seminal war

    secound seminal war
    The Treaty of Payne's Landing, signed by a small number of Seminoles in May 1832, required Indians to give up the Florida lands with in the three years and move towards the west.As Major Francis Dade marched from Fort Brooke to Fort King, 180 Seminole men led by Micanopy, Alligator and attacked. Only one of the180 men survived the ambush.
  • trail of tears

    trail of tears
    In the begining of the 1830's almost 125,000 native americans lived on millions of acres of land in georgia and many other colonies. by the end of the decade very few native americans lived. Working on the behave of the white settlers.