Andrew jackson ab

Jackson Timeline

  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    Description: In the Election of 1824. Andrew Jackson had won the popular vote, but because In the election nobody had won a majority electoral college vote, the vote went to the House of Representitives. As the House prepared to vote, Henry Clay told John Adams that he'd would use his speaking skill set to defeat Jackson. This worked and John Adams was president, he then named Henry Clay secretary of state. This became known as the Corrupt Bargain.
  • Election of 1824 Impact

    Impact: Because of ther corrupt bargain Jacksons supporters were infuriated and said that the Adams and Clay had stole the election. This caused Jacksons supporters to split away from the Democratic - Republican party and call themselves democrats, while Adams supporters called themselves National Republicans.
  • Period: to

    Jackson Timeline

  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    Description: In the election of 1828, the Democratic-Republican Party had split. Jackson's supporters called themselves Democrats. The National Republicans supported Adams. Most Democrats favored states' rights. While the National Republicans wanted a strong central government. In this election both sides resorted to mudslinging, or attempts to ruin their opponent's reputation with insults. With the help of John C. Calhoun Jackson won this election easily.
  • Election of 1828 impact

    Impact: The use of mudslinging, buttons, rallies, and slogans in the election of 1828 has carried over to the current US political life
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    Description: Native American groups had created successful farming communites. White settlers wanted the natives land for themselves. They asked the federal government to force eastern Native Americans to relocate to land west of the Mississippi. In 1830 Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act through Congress. This law allowed the federal government to pay Natives to move west. Natives felt forced to move out of their homes.
  • Indian Removal Act Impact

    Impact: This caused Natives to despise and lose all respect for the government. Also some of Jackson's suppoerters turned on him because they thought this new act was unfair to the various Native American groups.
  • Worcester v. Georgia

    Worcester v. Georgia
    Description: The federal government had recognized the Cherokee as a separate nation. However, the state of Georgia refused to accept the Cherokee's status. In 1830 Georgia made Cherokee land part of the state. It also began to enforce state laws against the Cherokee Nation. Georgia was pressuring them to relocate. The Cherokee turned to the U.S. Supreme Court. In Worcester v. Georgia Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that Georgia had no right to interfere with the Cherokee.
  • Worcester v Georgia 2

    Worcester v Georgia 2
    Description: The court decided in the Cherokee's favor, yet Jackson challenged the court and still forced the Cherokee to leave to the Indian Territory, present day Oklahoma.
  • Worcester v. Georgia Impact

    Impact: The Supreme Court basically reversed its decision on Cherokee Nation v. Georgia. Despite this, President Jackson and Congress did not force Georgia to comply with the Court's decision and the Cherokee were forced off their lands.
  • Bank War

    Bank War
    Description: Andrew Jackson disliked the Second Bank of the United States, Jackson viewed the Bank as a monopoly that favored wealthy Easterners and limited western growth. Jacksons opponents Henry Clay and Daniel Webster convinced the president of the bank, Nicholas Biddle, to apply for a charter, thinking that when Jackson vetoed the charter it would effect his supporters. Their plan backfired and Jackson was elected.
  • Impact of The Bank War

    Impact: Henry Clay and Daniel Websters plan backfiring caused Jackson to be re-elected causing the bank to close.
  • The Nullification Crisis

    The Nullification Crisis
    Description: Congress passed a high protective tariff on manufactured goods from Europe. In the North they liked the tariff. The taxes made European goods more expensive, Americans were more likely to buy U.S. made goods. Southerners, however, disliked the new tariff because the South traded goods to Europe for goods, and the new tax would make items more expensive. Vice President Calhoun, who believed in states' rights, said that a state could refuse to accept a federal law.
  • The Nullification Crisis 2 Description cont.

    The Nullification Crisis 2 Description cont.
    Description: So South Carolina passed the Nullification Act, declaring it would not pay the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 becuase they thought they were illegal. The state threatened to secede from the Union if the federal government interfered. To ressolve the problem, Jackson passed a bill that would lower the tariff. Jackson also wanted to uphold the law and asked Congress to use the power of the federal government if it was needed.
  • The Nullification Crisis Impact

    Impact: The Nullification Act gave states the feeling that they weren't totally run by the government and could challenge them in some circumstances. It also is the first time it gave the President the power to use the power of the Federal Government if needed and if a state threatened to secede