

By BrygmoS
  • Corsica is conquered by France

  • Napoleon is born

    Napoleon is born
    He was born on the island of Corsica, shortly after France had conquered it. He father was a lawyer who came from the Florentine nobility.
  • Period: to

    Napoleon's Lifetime

    The Life of Napoleon
  • Napoleon goes to the military college at Brienne

    He studied there for five years.
  • Napoleon attends the Paris military Acadedmy

    Napoleon attends the Paris military Acadedmy
    He completed the two-year course in one year. He was skilled at mathematics and geography and showed great interest in abstract sciences.
  • Carlo Buonaparte dies

    Napoleon's father dies. He is now the head of his family
  • Receives First military assignment

    Receives First military assignment
    His first assigment was in Valence. He was the second lieutenant of artillery.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The French Revolution's ideas greatly influenced Napoleon
  • Promoted to Brigadier-General

    Napoleon was appointed as artillery commander in the French forces besieging Toulon, which had risen in revolt against the republican government and was occupied by British troops. A successful assault, during which Bonaparte was wounded in the thigh, led to the recapture of the city and a promotion to brigadier-general
  • Period: to


    The Directory was a legislative government that was formed by the Revolution. Napoleon's Consulate replaced it.
  • Napoleon dies

    Napoleon dies
    Napoleon died after living on Saint Helena, an Atlantic island that belonged to Great Britain. He lived for six years on Saint Helena before he died. The original autopsy shoed that he died of stomach cancer, but some scholars say that he was poisoned.