

By Zakiw
  • U.S. buys Alaska

    U.S. buys Alaska
    United states buys Alaska
  • Yellowstone 1st national park

    Yellowstone 1st national park
    Yellowstone becomes the first National Park
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    War between the Spanish and Americans.
  • U.S. annexed Hawaii

    U.S. annexed Hawaii
    United States added Hawaii
  • T. R. becomes President

    T. R. becomes President
    Teddy Roosevelt becomes President
  • Cuba gains Independence

    Cuba gains Independence
    Cuba gained its Independence
  • U.S. begins Panama Canal work

    U.S. begins Panama Canal work
    United States begins working Panama Canal
  • The Jungle was written

    The Jungle was written
    Talked about the harsh and hard times for the people
  • Pure food and Drug Act

    Pure food and Drug Act
    Help protect consumers
  • NAACP founded

    NAACP founded
    The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was founded
  • Taft elected President

    Taft elected President
    William Howard Taft elected for President
  • Wilson elected President

    Wilson elected President
    Woodrow Wilson elected for President
  • U.S. finishes Panama Canal

    U.S. finishes Panama Canal
    United States finishes Panama Canal
  • Women's Suffrage

    Women's Suffrage
    The ability for women to do something the right to vote.
  • Prohibition

    The banning of transportation of alcohol.