Vucanii noroiosi

My timeline PITU

  • Muddy Volcanoes

    Muddy Volcanoes
    After we went to pietroasele, we went home, changed our boots and went to the Muddy Volcanoes.
  • Ruins of Pietroasele

    Ruins of Pietroasele
    When we arrived, we ate lunch and went to Pietroasele, where we saw a lot of things and ruins.
  • Pietroasele

    These are some golden things we found at the ruins of Pietroasele.
  • Carriage Experience

    In the morning we woke up vigorously and went outside to wait for the carriages. We had a very bumpy ride!
  • The Ride Back

    We played lots of games and had fun on the bus home!
  • The Glass Factory

    The Glass Factory
    The second morning, wer family were all half sad and half happy because we wanted to stay more but we also wanted to go home and relax with our family. We got in the bus and went to a glass factory, where we saw how glass is made?