My Timeline

  • Mongol Empire

    Mongol Empire
    In 1206 Genghis Khau was named the learder of the Mongols, he lead the Mongols to create the largest empire in the world.Many people called Genghis Khau a Monster.
    Causes: Genghis Khau caused terrible acts of mass murder, rape and destruction. In the 1200's to the mid 1400's the Mongols killed around 40 million people.
    Effects: When Genghis Khau died in 1277 his third son took over and concoured as much of europe as he could.The Mongols Effected Europe wiping out the population of 7 towns.
  • Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    The Battle of Hastings occurred on the 14th October 1066 between the Norman French army of Duke William II of Normandy and the English army under King Harold II. Causes: during the battle of hasting a many knights sacrificed their life before their king. Including Harold he was killed by an arrow to the eye Harlod was the main knight. Effects: After the battle of hasting William became king and the northern Saxon hated him, so we he went there hundreds of villages were destroyed from by William.
  • King Charlemagne

    King Charlemagne
    King Charlemagne was one of Europe’s most successful monarchs, King Charlemagne was known to people as a better king than his father and grandfather. He was a born on 742 AD and perished in 814.Causes: One of the more important thing King Charlemagne did in his life time was turning his castle into a learning centre. Effects: when this occurred it put a positive effect on his country because people become more educated.
  • Notre Dame

    Notre Dame
    The Notre Dame was built in 1163, it is one of the longest standing churches in the world. It has three essential parts to it Flying Buttresses, gargoyles and stain glass windows.
    Cause: The Notre Dame was made for the France population to go there for masses that all of the population needed to go to.
    Effects: the effects of the Notre dame being built gave more people the chance to pray and to ask God to forgive their sins.
  • Khmer Empire

    Khmer Empire
    In 1100 AD Khmer had taken over all of Southeast Asia, the two main cultural believes were Buddhism and Hindu. The Khmer empire was a powerful state in South East Asia, formed by people of the same name, lasting from 802 CE to 1431 CE. Effect: The Empire built temples including Hindu and Budda. They also built many of and buildings, roads and towns. The Empire had good irrigational systems which permitted them to produce heaps of rice which gave the Empire wealth.
  • Minamoto Yirotomo

    Minamoto Yirotomo
    Minamoto Yirotomo was born in 1147 and died in 1199, Minamoto was the first founder of the first warrior government Bakufu in Kamakura. In 1185 Minamoto won the civil wars between his own Minamoto clan and the Taira clan. Cause: Minamoto son had a plan to overrule the taira kiyomiri. They lead the war to him. Effects: after the Minamoto clan concurred the taira clan, Minamoto established a hereditary shogunate based in Kamakura.
  • Mogols invade Japan

    Mogols invade Japan
    The Mongol’s Invaded Japan in 1274 and 1281. The Mongols were led by Kublai khan, Kublai khan became the leader of the Mongols in 1260. Causes: during the invasion the Mongols would set fire to some of japans villages. Effects: during invasion the destruction on the villages and people were so badly effected that some died.
  • Tokugawa Ieyasu

    Tokugawa Ieyasu
    Tokugawa Ieyasu was born in 1543 and died in 1616. Tokagawa’s early life was hard, at age of six his father handed him over to the rival clan as a hostage. By the time he was sixteen he was married and had become an ally Oda nobunaga. Causes:October 21 1600, leyasu led an army of 80,000 against an army led by Ishida Mitsunari, leyasu defeated ishida and gained control of most of japan. Effects: because leyasu won the battle against ishida in 1603 he forced imperial court for the role of a shogun
  • Samurai

    The samurai were established in the 12 century. Causes: during the Nara period the emperors maintained their own armies through a system of a universal military, in 792 the system was replaced with another system where smaller armies were formed. Effects: the samurai were used to protect and police the Shoen.
  • The shoguns

    The shoguns
    the shoguns were leaders of the social class being first on on the ladder. since 1603 the shoguns had been the head of the tokugawa family.
    Causes: the shoguns held power for more than a hundred years casing japan to be unified after 100 years of war and strife.
    Effects: the shoguns were leaders in society and ruled making new rules and have an effect on what punishments people could have.
  • Introducing the Black Death

    Introducing the Black Death
    The Black Death travelled from Asia across the Middle East and onto Europe and North Africa, rising the death toll to over 15 million people. The Black Death started and lated for 7 years finishing in 1353. Causes: the Black Death was causedby fleas that trasported to beople by rodents.Effects:the effects from the Black Death was a swelling infection called Bubo and killing people every day.
  • Septicaemic Plague

    Septicaemic Plague
    The Septicaemic Palgue lasted for seven years starting in 1346 and finishing in 1353, the pandemic was fatal to anyone who was diagnosed this it. Patients who recived the fatal disease would die the day they got The Septicaemic Plague. Causes: The Septicaemic Plague was cause by Yersinia Pestis which lived in the stomach of fleas. Effects: The effects from this pandemic was skin turing black, shortness of breth, bloody or watery sputum.
  • Persecution Of The Jews

    Persecution Of The Jews
    In september 1348, a group of jews were put on trial at chillon. they were charged with poisoning wells in Nuestadt, from november that year jews were burnt to death in cities throughout Germany. 2000 jews were killed in the next year, these massacres had taken place when the black death arrived. The number of slaughted jews wad alredy at 16,000. Causes: no one knew who to blame so jews were blamed.
    Effects; this effected many families as many jews died.
  • The Flagellants

    The Flagellants
    In the era of black death Medieval people lacked modern medical knowledge, being disadvantaged medical officers had to think of other reason how the plague occurred. they thorught it had been sent by god to punish the society for it sins, one way of getting gods forgiveness was called flagellents. Causes: flagellants is caused by whipping yourself, another word is flagellate. Effects: being striped to the waist, these whippings drew blood.
  • The Peasants Revolt

    The Peasants Revolt
    Cause: The peasants were stripped of the privileges that they were given after the Black Death. They were forced to work on the land of the churches which meant that they couldn't work on their own land which caused them to have less food for families. Money was taken from the taxes the peasant's paid and it was used for wars.
    Effect: An army of peasants from Kent and Essex went to London and stole the Tower of London whilst, killing the Archbishop of Canterbury and the King's treasure.
  • the Domesday Book

    the Domesday Book
    In 1085, late 11th century, the domesday book is Britian's most finest treasure. It is a highly detailed survey and valuation of all the land held by the King and his chief tenants. Causes: William the concurer made this book as a survey of the land held by william. Effects: The Domesday Book itself did not affect many people,It was the Inquest that caused an enormous effect.
  • The Vikings

    The Vikings
    until the eighth century the Vikings worked mostly as Farmers, Fishers, Craftspeople and a Trader. Before Vikings made their great vouage they were ruled by local kings who were at war with eachour almost all the time.Cause: In the eighth century the Vikings invaded West Europe.They attacked from the ocean in boats which were perfect for invading and attacking.
    Effect: In the year 800 Charles The Great was made to help create better defence's because of the recent attacks from the Vikings.
  • Shinto

    `the way of the gods`, shinto is the indigenious japanese religion.Shinto has been a major part of Japanese life and culture throughout the country's history.
    Effects: shinto manley effects people in a good way, shinto keeps the japanese spiritual and peaceful towards one another.
  • christopher columbus

    christopher columbus
    Christopher Columbus was born in 1451-and perished in 1506 he was an Italian explorer who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492, He made a total of four trips to the Caribbean and South America during the 1492 - 1504.Causes: Christopher wanted to fing a fastar route india, china and japan. Effects: christopher introduce disease to the native americans suh as smallpox.
  • The crusades

    The crusades
    The crusades were religious conflicts during the high middle ages to the late middle ages. pope urban proclaimed the first crusade in 1095, Causes: The Crusades were an attempt by the Catholic church to re-gain control, authority and power over the Middle-East.Effects: he Crusades allowed Arabian medical practices and architectural knowledge to be transferred to the West.