My Techy Tech Life

  • List Servers introduced

    List Servers introduced
    The first List Server was introduced.
  • Space Shuttle Mission

    Space Shuttle Mission
    First Space Shuttle Mission, Columbia lifts off. My uncle worked at Thiakol so we always talked science and space so at a very young age I developed a love for science.
  • Commodore 64

    Commodore 64
    Commodore 64 came out. It was our first computer. You had to program it to use it. My dad made one game and never used it again. He would not let me play with it.
  • Macintosh 128k

    Macintosh 128k
    Macintosh 128k was introduced. This impacted me because this was the first time that PC's were accessible. My parents started thinking about getting a better computer and using in our home.
  • Mosaic Introduced

    Mosaic Introduced
    The internet was introduced to the public a few years earlier, but in 1993 (the year I graduated) Mosaic was introduced which sparked the internet boom.
  • First Cell Phone

    First Cell Phone
    I purchased my first cell phone, a Nokia 5110.
  • Purchase first iMac

    Purchase first iMac
    I needed a computer at home so I could do my online master's degree.
  • iPod Touch

    iPod Touch
    I got my first iPod and was able to take my games and movies with me. Oh, and music.
  • Samsung Galaxy S

    Samsung Galaxy S
    My first smart phone. This is when I started to become dependent on my phone for everything.
  • My cell phone blew up

    My cell phone blew up
    I purchased the best phone ever! My Galaxy Note 7. It threatened to blow up. I had to give it back.