My Personal Timeline

  • The Birth Of Ashley

    The Birth Of Ashley
    I was born in the city of Santa Ana. I´m a miracle baby. I was born 1 month before my due date.
  • My 3rd Birthday

    My 3rd Birthday
    On my 3rd birthday I had a big party. Later that day Dora and Diego showed up. That night I got a lot of gifts.
  • When I Moved To Garden Grove

    When I Moved To Garden Grove
    I had to move schools. I was able to make new friends at my new school. Became friends with a lot of my neighbors.
  • My First Tablet

    My First Tablet
    I was not expecting a electronic. I got a Samsung tablet 3 for Christmas.
  • My First Boat Ride

    My First Boat Ride
    I was in San Pedro to go on the boat. We went Whale watching there and we saw a big whale.
  • Alcatraz

    Alcatraz was a cool experience because it is a abandoned jail. It was haunted as told by the tour guy.
  • Seattle

    The weather was very cold, that it even started to snow. We really just stayed in the room because the roads were blocked by the snow,
  • My 12th Birthday

    My 12th Birthday
    My parents took me out to eat at a fancy place. I got a new phone for my birthday.
  • Softball

    Garden Grove 12u made it to the tournament. It was the last game to see who would win, and until number 7 hit a RBI we won the game.
  • Graduation!

    So Graduation was like an awesome part of my life because it meant i can start fresh at another school. Also my sister Graduated from high school.
  • Mexico

    During Summer I went to Mexico to see my family. It was fun because I got to see how Mexico is a good country. I sure did meet a lot of people there.
  • The Worst Month.

    The Worst Month.
    August was pretty much bad because my sister was moving out. It was the worst thing because she has been there for me through the hardest.
  • School.

    School had started and I had made a lot of new friends. It was very different from elementary school because instead of 1 class it was 6.
  • Christmas 2018

    Christmas 2018
    So mostly every year my family and I go to San Francisco but this time we went it was fun because we went and drove on the Golden Gate Bridge. We also went to Sonoma to visit my sister.
  • New Years

    New Years
    New Years was amazing because it meant new year, new me. That night we had a big party and celebrated until the morning.