my journey, my life

  • birth

    i was born on febuary 22 1850. My name is ......
    My mother died when i was 7 giving birth to her 9th child.
    I have 4 brothers and 4 sisters.
    I live with my dad and all my siblings except my sister uki she moved to america for work 3 years ago
    I am now 16 years old
  • goodbye father

    goodbye father
    Ever since my father died when i was 16 it has been difficult to pay for the house. being the oldest in the house now i have to go to work and try to pay fo all 5 of the children and the house.
    I got a notice awhile ago about the goverment taking away our house if we didnt pay the morgage i have took extra hours at wokr but still cant make enough money to pay the morgage this month.
    My sister wants me to take the kids to america but i dont have money to do.
  • trip to america

    trip to america
    The bank took our home so we are on our way to the land of the free! My siblings paid for us to get a boat to america. Everyone is so exited we want to find a job there and start a new life without greef. The rie to america was brutal but we are ok we are now trying to get our citizenship so i can work in america legally.
  • Ariving

    We arivied and im starting to get wierd looks from everyone here. Whenever i try to go into a store or job place most of the time they say i am not welcomed here some people are very mean to me and my family.
  • Job oppurtunitys

    Job oppurtunitys
    There are many places i can work including railroad working. i got a job, i have been working for about 4 years and my boss is not very fair but he is paying me money hats all i need a little hard work wont do any harm right?
  • racisum

    Everyday i would being hit or being threatened or my race i lost one of my sisters because an american tortered her to death. I have been here over 10 years. Why cant they get over that im differnt? Im just like them right...