My Jewish Life

By Jehsee
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • Chose Jewish Day School

  • Moved to California

  • Jewish camp begins

    A friend suggested I go to Camp Arazim, which opened the door for a place I felt more accepted, more included, and more safe in a Jewish environment. I liked the singing, the friends, and the independance.
  • Day School Ends, Kadima Begins

    No longer a Jewish Day School student, I began working as a tutor at Hebrew School and attending Kadima, which turned into USY. Kinnusim and International Convention attendance.
  • USY Poland Israel Pilgrimage

    Had a huge impact on my love for Jewish music and Jewish identity. Upon visiting a kibbutz, I made the decision I wanted to return after high school as part of Nativ.
  • Nativ, Gap year in Israel

    Spent a year at Hebrew University and working on a kibbutz. Developed stronger connection with ideals of Conservative Judaism.
  • Move to San Diego

    Moved to San Diego and got a job at Congregation Beth El. Taught Torah School, Youth Advisor, preschool aid. Developed relationships with families and community. Also went to college, lead services at Hillel, studied with a hazan a bit, explored passion for music but decided I wasn't as talented as I wanted to be. Made wonderful friends.
  • Made a friend

    As the new Youth Director of the synagogue, I became involved in developing a leadership program through Far West USY. This effort was lead by a shlichah I learned a great deal from about Conservative Judaism and its struggles, and about leadership. Started to feel my leadership "kicking in."
  • Made a friend part 2

    Revisiting the time line, I see I already included a beginning of an influential teacher. Sophie introduced me to compelling debates and struggles within the Conservative Movement which really formed my connection to an ideology that meant something to me more than just personal history and comfort. She also taught me a lot about structure of leadership and how to inspire others to want to be leaders.
  • My family

    Met a nice Jewish boy and got married. He grew up in a somewhat observant Conservative home. Deciding how to live together was easy.
  • Principal

    I was asked to take on a new position and run the Torah School. Good timing for family planning. Struggled to figure out what I was doing, how to be effective.
  • Lillian

    My daughter was born. Being a mom has been a struggle as far as giving enough to my job, but amazing for giving me perspective as far as what I want for children to experience.
  • Hebrew College

    Encouraged by my Rabbis to further my education, I enrolled in the MJEd program, taking one class at a time starting when my daughter was 5 months old. Learning is a sometimes puzzling experience, sometimes enriching experience.
  • Louis

    My son is born. I am overwhelmed trying to do everything, but happy to have something outside home to focus on and be proud of.