Erik board of governors

My Educational Journey... so far

  • The day I was born!

    The day I was born!
    I was born in the Innisfail Hospital to an entrepreneurial mom and a teaching dad. I am 5 of 8 children in my family. the weather that day
  • Kindergarten

    I can't remember my teacher's actual name (maybe I never knew it), but it sounded something like eyeball, so that's what I called her... Mrs. Eyeball. I spent my entire K-12 schooling days on the same Innisfail school grounds.
  • Grade 1

    Grade 1
    I went to John Wilson Elementary School (JWES) for grades 1-5. I remember all these teachers' names :)
  • Grade 6... in the High School... duh duh duh!

    Grade 6... in the High School... duh duh duh!
    Most grade 6 students stayed at JWES, but my Dad, a teacher of English at the High School, decided to throw me in a pilot project to see how a Grade 6 class would fare in the High School. I didn't die. I actually made it onto the honour roll with the minimum 80%!
  • Graduation from Innisfail Jr/Sr High School

    Graduation from Innisfail Jr/Sr High School
    Yay, I graduated, but had no clue what to do next. I coasted through High School, took all the "hard" courses, but never applied myself. It was also the last period of time where I played basketball or was any good at it. I knew a guy who has hiring people to dig ditches, so I did that. I didn't know that I was signing up for the occasional dig through human poop.
  • Greenhand School

    Greenhand School
    I couldn't start working in the oilfield without that big sticker of a greenhand on the side of helmet to tell the world I just graduated from Greenhand school... meaning I really did not know anything and could be the target of ritualistic hazings. Luckily the turnover rate was high, so it wasn't too long before I wasn't the greenest.
  • Correctional Officer Training

    Correctional Officer Training
    I had enough of oilfield money. I was married now, wanted to start a family, and needed a job where I wouldn't be away all the time. Three months of training in Saskatoon then 6 years went by before realizing I what I was meant to do: teach!
  • First Day of Red Deer College

    First Day of Red Deer College
    I began my Education program in the Fall of 2013 and haven't looked back. I was the VP of the Education Undergraduate Society during my first year and on the RDC Board of Governors during my second.
  • RDC/UofA Middle Years Program

    RDC/UofA Middle Years Program
    I was accepted into the Middle Years Program as a University of Alberta student at Red Deer College.
  • Introductory Field Experience (IFX)

    Introductory Field Experience (IFX)
    For my first practicum I taught grade 6 at Innisfail Middle School. It was a blast! I also coached the Grade 5/6 basketball team during the first few months on 2016.
  • Advanced Field Experience (AFX)... Extended

    Advanced Field Experience (AFX)... Extended
    I am currently in my fourth and final year of the Middle Years Program. I will be teaching grade 4 in Penhold for my final practicum (AFX) during the months of Feb-April 2017. I took the opportunity for an extended practicum, so I have already become familiar with my school, mentor teacher and students since the start of the school year (Sept. 1, 2016). I will be teaching mainly science, social, and math. I can't wait!
  • Convocation... almost there!

    Convocation... almost there!
    Cap and gown day! By this time I will have already substitute taught a couple days. I may even be working on a few job applications. This may seem like the end of my Educational Journey, but really it is just the start: I have another 30+ years ahead of me...