
My Dreams

  • Career

    *Personality Type Survey:
    What are some careers that match to your personality? What careers that were matched are interesting to you?
    I was matched with a lot of the arts, like music, painting and fashion.
    I actually really want to go to cosmetology school so that area really works with me. The careers that I was matched up with were music- general performance
    fashion designer and those really interested me.
  • Period: to

    My dreams

  • Obstacle

    *What obstacles are in the way of your plans? Well I don't have any way of transportation and I really don't want to drive, and i'm still not 100% sure what I want to do yet.
  • Arts

    If everything was perfect in your life, what would be the “perfect” plan for you when you graduate from high school? I would graduate and start cosmetology school and probably go to community college ao I at least have a back up plan.
  • Graduate

    *Game Plan Survey:
    Using your game plan survey, what is your plan for when you graduate from high school? What will you do directly after graduating? I really wanted to do something in dance or law, which is just career education. To be a cop you need to have a high school diploma and usually associate's degree or 2 years of college and with dance you need a background in dance, and a college diploma.