
my autobiography

By jaime88
  • My Birth

    I was born on April 6, 1988. we are six brothers. aqui tenemos un tiempo en pasado utilizando el verbo to be en pasado mas otro verbo en participio
  • Primary School

    I finished my primary education in 1997. My school was named Verbo Divino and it was a privated school (aqui tenemos oraciones en pasado utiizando el verbo tobe, es un pasado simple)
  • the highschool

    I also studied highscool in a privated school. I ended it in 2002. (use pasado simple perfecto, ya que estoy describiendo actividades de pasado)
  • University

    I began to study my career computing engineering in 2004
  • The music

    I started to play guitar at the university when I learned from a teacher named Julio Vasquez who is an excelent guitarrist and very famous
  • My departure from university

    I could not finish the race and I left the university in 2010
  • My hobbies

    I like to play the guitar, also I use the computer for working and I enjoy it. I don't love any sport. (aqui comienzo a usar e presente simple, ya que son las cosas que usualmente hago en mi vida)
  • actually

    I teach computing to children and a lot of students from my work. I am studing again at the university, but this moment is online. I will be a teacher. I am going to do all my effort. para culminar junte el presente simple, con oraciones en presente continuo, futuro con will y futuro con going to, que son para predicciones cercanas y lejanas