Mr, hernandez

  • Philippine - American war

    Was a war between The United States and the Filipino revolutionaries, because of the Philippine Revolution against spanish rule.
  • Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

    was a treaty signed by the United States and Panama, which established the Panama Canal Zone and the subsequent construction of the Panama Canal.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    A corollary to the Monroe Doctrine that was articulated by Presidents Theodore Roosevelt. US threatened European nations with their milatary to keep them out of Latin America.
  • US occupation of the Dominican Republic

    It was one of the many interventions in Latin American undertaken by the military forces of the U.S
  • Cuban Intervention

    A major American military operation
  • The Great White Fleet

    the popular nickname for the United States Navy battle fleet ordered by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt
  • Panama Canal (completion of the canal)

    Is waterway across the isthmus of panama. The canal connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.