250px toddler running and falling

Motor development in Toddlerhood

  • 14 t0 16 months child motor development

    14 t0 16 months child motor development
    one the baby gross motor skills progressed to standing up and walking after 12 months the baby will walk well alone with wide based gait. The baby will creep upstairs with hand and legs. By this age the baby will be able to hold objects by both and enjoys throwing objects and picking them up. The baby sitting balance & trunk control will improve to the point that they no longer need to use their arms for support. They will be able to sit unsupported while using their hands for play. The baby‘s
  • 17 to 22 months child motor development

    17 to 22 months child motor development
    The child will be able to climbs stairs instead of creep by the hand and leg. The child will also be able to climbs up on furniture like couch. The child will be able to walk sideways and backwards. The baby will be able to runs well and falls easily. If the baby is given a crayons and paper the baby will scribble vigorously and attempting a straight line. When coloring with crayons, the child will use whole arm movements to color & will hold .The baby will be able to hold and drink well fr
  • 24 to 30 onths child motor development

    24 to 30 onths child motor development
    the gross motor skills will be improved more. The baby can walk up and down stairs on both feet, one step at a time while holding on to a rail. The baby will be able to build tower of five cubes instead of two. The control of spoon well developed more the baby will spill less with the spoon. Using of hand will be improved during activities one hand will clearly be leading the activity and the other hand will be assisting. The child will also continue to alternate lead and assist roles between
  • 31 to 36 months child motor development

    31 to 36 months child motor development
    by this age fine motor like drawing will be improved, the child will hold the crayon with their fingers pointing towards the paper. They will become capable of drawing horizontal & vertical lines, & eventually circles after watching someone else draw them first. Gross motor development includes balance improvement as the child can stand on one foot for few seconds. The child will be able to walk on tiptoes with arms moving loosely. Child can run and jump with arms held alongside the body. Can p