Modern America Emerges

  • purchase of alaska

    william seward the secratary of state under abraham lincon porchases alaska.This cost 7.2 million dollars
  • Seward retires

    Seward retires
    After prusuing many other protecterates William Seward retires
  • Leaders pursue hawaii

    Leaders pursue hawaii
    U.S. Leaders pursue hawaii in hopes of establishing a naval base in pearl harbor
  • Rise to power of Queen Lilioukalani

    Rise to power of Queen Lilioukalani
    After the death of King Kalakaua His sister take power. Queen Lilioukalani.
  • Departage of U.S.S Maine

    Departage of U.S.S Maine
    President Mickinely sends the U.S.S Maine to cuba. The following month it explodes.
  • Cubas freedom

    President mickinley sighns a document releasing cuba from spain.
  • roosevelt adds collary

    Preident roosevelt added the rosevelt collary to a pre written law.
  • The united states send 100 marines to niqaraqua

    The united states send 100 marines to niqaraqua
    The united states send 100 marines to niqraqua as part of the banna wars.
  • Finish panama canal

    The united states finishes the panama canal. Its total cost is 352 million dollars
  • U.S buys Panama

    U.S buys Panama from colu.mbia