christina' s timeline

  • 260

    Ancient China-Khan became ruler of the Mongol Empire

    Khan became ruler of the Mongol Empire The Mongol conquests did not end with Genghis Khan's death, though. His sons and grandsons continued to raid lands all over Asia and Eastern Europe.
  • 323

    Anciant Greece- He was the greatest military leader in Ancient Greece

    Alexander the great dies.
  • 432

    Ancient Greece- the Parthenon was the temple built in honour of the goddess Athena

    The Parthenon temple is completed.
  • 500

    Ancient China- Buddhism first came to China

    Buddhism first came to China during Han dynasty.
  • Feb 12, 1000

    Ancient Rome

    Romens establish a republican government.
  • Feb 12, 1075

    anciant Egypt

    Egypt is once again divided.
  • Feb 12, 1120

    Ancient Rome

    Persecution of Christians end.
  • Feb 12, 1200

    Ancient Mycenaean Greece

    In 1200BC the Mycenaenean palace was destroyed.
  • Feb 12, 1370

    Ancient Minoans- Knossos was the capital of the Minoan civilisation

    The Minoans were a very advanced civilisation. In 1370 BC, the destruction of the palace of Knossos to place.
  • Jul 21, 1400

    Ancient Mycenaean Greece

    Mycenaeans were great warriors. Mycenaean trade expanded.
  • Ancient Sumer

    In 1805 BC the rise of the kingdom of Sumer occurred.
  • Anciant Egypt

    Reunification by Theban kings.
  • Minoan Crete- lived on the island of Crete

    Minoans lived around the 36th century BC and survived until the 15th century BC on the island of Crete.
  • Ancient Sumer

    The Sumerians migrated from Asia to Mesapotamia.