all the timelines

  • militarism

    France's army was one of the most dangerous and effective militarys in Europe. Germany had an army of around 1.3 million people. They kept growing their army to keep up on competition with England. During this time period militarists were driven by the knowledge and failures of past battles such as the Crimean war or the Russo-Japan war.
  • Imperialism

    A huge example of Imperialism was when Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown by Sandford Dole in order to establish Hawaii as an independent state so it could later be taken over by the U.S. Another example is when German ships sank Luistania. This was a civilian ship with some Americans on it but later research shows that the ship was carrying weapons.
  • nationalism

    After the Spanish-American war, America was bursting with Nationalism and it became the most powerful industrial nation. Meanwhile, Russia had one of the worst military. They were also furthest behind in technology, they did not have a lot of Nationalism. People in England were very much Nationalists. They had many newspapers that were talking poorly of German, Russian, and French people.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie.

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie.
    At around 9:30 am, Ferdinand and Sophie arrived in Sarajevo Station where they went to go meet the Govenor General. Then an assassin named Cabrinovic threw a grenade at the Archduke's car. When it exploded it injured about 20 people. When Archduke and Sophie arrived at the town hall, Archduke canceled his tour because of the assassination attempt and asked to be taken to the hospital to see the wounded. On his way to the hospital an assassin named Gavrilo shot Archduke and his wife.
  • Germany's blank check to Austria-Hungary

    Germany's blank check to Austria-Hungary
    This check was also known as The Kaiser's pledge. It refers to a time in the events leading up to WW1. Germany said they would support Austria-Hungary towards Serbia.
  • WW1 begins

    WW1 begins
    One main event that started WW1 was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Then Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, this caused Russia and Germany to declare war. Russia's ally France then began to join the war, this urged great Britain to join in. Germany then invaded Belgium which was the final straw for Great Britain declared war on Germany.
  • Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare.

    Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare.
    Germany declared the sea around British isles a war zone. This means that all ships, no matter if they were neutral merchant ships. After this a string of attacks happened on merchant ships.
  • Sinking of Lusitania

    Sinking of Lusitania
    Germany declared submarine warfare against Great Britain. The German u-boat sank the Lusitania killing 1,198 people and left 761 survivors. This sinking of a civilian ship turned many countries against Germany. Later evidence shows that this ship was in fact carrying weapons.
  • Zimmerman telegram

    Zimmerman telegram
    The Zimmerman cable was a secret way of communication with Mexico. Germany proposed that Mexico invade the U.S and Germany would help Mexico defeat the U.S.
  • U.S entry to the war and her effect on it

    U.S entry to the war and her effect on it
    The United States joined the war along with its allies, Britain, France, and Russia. The U.S was extremely industrialized and they were able to supply their allies with weapons.
  • Alliances

    The Triple Alliance consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. The Triple Entente consisted of Britain, France, and Russia. The six major powers split into 2 different alliances that would later fight in WW1. The Central Powers consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. The Allies consisted mainly of France, the U.S, and Britain.
  • Effects of WW1

    Effects of WW1
    After WW1 America was doing great. America became the world industrial leader and profits on their goods were increasing which led to the roaring 20s. Sadly manufacturing companies were laying off workers and reducing wages to keep down operating costs. After the war a total number of casualties was more than 41 million. There was 18 million deaths and 23 million were left wounded.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The war was officially declared over when Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles. Germany had almost no participation in creating this treaty. The treaty gave Germany new boundaries and had them pay high reparations to the affected countries.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The Great Depression started in 1929 and lasted 10 years. It was the worst economic downturn and people thought it was the end of the american dream. The stock market crashed which sent Wall Street into panic and wiped out millions of investors.
  • Dawes plan and Young plan

    Dawes plan and Young plan
    Dawes plan was a plan to ensure that Germany payed reparations after World War 1. This plan was created by Charles Dawes. The Young plan was put into place to help Germany pay after WW1. It reduced the reparations to 8 billion.
  • Rise of Hitler

    Rise of Hitler
    January 30 1933 was when Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. Millions of people in Germany were starving and out of work and the people were desperate for change. Hitler attracted a following by promising a better life.