Middle Ages

  • 510


    Clovis established a powerful Frankish Kingdom that stretched from the Pyrenees in the southwest to German lands in the east.
  • 527

    Emperor Justinian

    Emperor Justinian
    Was determined to restablish the Roman Empire in the Mediterranean world. His most important contribution was his codification of Roman Law
  • Jan 1, 622

    Prohpet Muhammad

    Prohpet Muhammad
    The year his journey back to Maddinah occured. This is when he became a political and spiritual leader.
  • Jan 1, 622


    The name of the journey Muhammad and his followers went on when they left Makkah to Madinah.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Abu Bakr

    Abu Bakr
    Muhammad's closest followers chose Abu Bakr to be his successsor because the prophet didn't leave one. Under Abu's leadership, the Islamic movement began to grow. Under this rule, Arabs had conquered the entire Persian Empire by 650.
  • Sep 14, 636

    Byzantine Empire

    Byzantine Empire
    Islamic forces defeated an army of the Eastern Roman empire at Yarmu. Problems arose along the northern frontier as well especially in the Balkans.
  • Jan 1, 661


    Mu'awiyah became the caliph. Made office of caliph, called caliphate, hereditary in his own family. In making the caliphate, he created the Umayyad dynasty. Moved the capital to Damascus, Syria.
  • Jan 1, 750


    Abu al-Abbas overthrew the Umayyad dynasty and set up the Abbsaid dynasty that lasted until 1258.
  • Jan 1, 762


    Abbasids built a bew capital city in Baghdad. The new capital was well places because it was by the caravan route from the Meduteranean Sea to central Asia.
  • Sep 14, 762


    Center of the Muslim World
  • Jan 1, 1055

    Seljuk Turks

    Seljuk Turks
    The Fatimid dynasty became the center of Islamic civilization. They created a strong army by hiring non-native, the Seljuk Turks, to fight for them. 1055 a Turkish leader captured Baghdad and held the real miliatary and political power of the state.
  • Sep 14, 1055


    Center of the Muslim World.
  • Sep 14, 1066

    William of Normandy

    William of Normandy
    Willam of Normandy landed on the coast of England and defeated King Harold and his soldiers at the Battle of Hastings.William was the king of England. He began combinging Anglo- Saxon and Norman institutions to create a new England.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    An army of heavily armed knights under WIlliam of Normandy landed on the coast of England and defeated King Harold and his soilders. William was then crowned king of England.
  • Sep 18, 1099


    European Christians carried out a series of military expeditions known as the Crusades. The push for the Crusades came when the Byzantine emperor Alexius I asked the Europeans for help asgainst the Seljuk Turks, who were Muslims. The First Crusade was the only successful one. The crusaders captured Jerusalem.
  • Jun 1, 1215

    Magnqa Carta

    Magnqa Carta
    The people of the land didn't like what King John was doing to England with his increased taxes and they didn't like that he lost all of his land in Northern France.
    1. Kings has to obey the law
    2. The can can be removed from power if he doesn't obey the law
    3. Must consult nobles before raising taxes
    4. Cannot take peoples private property
    5. Leave Church matters to the Pope
    6. Due process of law
    7. Trial by duty
  • Sep 14, 1215

    King John

    King John
    At Runnymede John was forced to put his seal on a document of rights called the Magna Carta, or the Great Charter.
  • Jan 1, 1258

    Mongols in the Middle East

    Mongols in the Middle East
    Under the leadership of Hulegu, they seized Persuia and Mesopotamia. Over time the Mongol rulers converted to Islam and intermarried with local people.
  • Jan 1, 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Bubanic Plague was the most common form of Black Death. This spread by black rats infested with fleas carruing deadly bacterium. The path of Black Death usuallay followed trade routes. The death of so many people led to an econmonic consequences.
  • Sep 18, 1480

    Spanish Inquisition

    Spanish Inquisition
    It was intended to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms, and to replace the Medieval Inquisition which was under Papal control. It became the most substantive of the three different manifestations of the wider Christian Inquisition along with the Roman Inquisition and Portuguese Inquisition.
  • Pope Urban II

    Pope Urban II
    The Pope that was known for starting the first crusades
  • Holy Roman Empire

    Holy Roman Empire
    The best-known Saxon king of Germany was Otto I. In return for protecting the pope, Otto I was crown=ned emperor of the Romans. Frederick I considered Italy the center of a "holy empire" hence the name Holy Roman Empire. Frederick's attempt to conquer northern Italy was opposed by the pope and the cities of northern Italy, which were unwilling to become his subjects..
  • Roman Empire

    Roman Empire
    Charlamange was crowned the Emperor of the Roman Empire by the Pope. The crowning of Charlamange symbolized the coming together of Roman, Christian, and Germanic elements.
  • Golden Age of Islamic Society

    Golden Age of Islamic Society
    In the Abbasid dynasty Harun al-Rashid was the caliph and he was known for his charity. This was the time of growing prosperity, conquering many rich provinces of the Roman EMpire, and controlling trade routes.
  • Cairo

    center of the Muslim World.
  • Charlemange

    Charles the Great was the ruler of he Frankish Kingdon. He expanded the territory of the Frankish Kingdoom and created what was called the Carolingian Empire. Charlemange was "crowned" emperor by the Pope. His rule symbolized the coming together of Roman, Christian, and Germanic elements.
  • Feudalism

    The death of Charlamange let the Carolingian Empire to fall apart. Rulers founnd it more difficult to defend their subjects from the Vikings. This is when people began to turn to local landed nobles to protect them. Feudalism was the new political and social system.