
Mesopotamian Empires

  • Period: Jan 1, 1070 to Jan 1, 1550

    The New Kingdom

    THe Middle Kingdom Became one of the most powerful empires of all time.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1550 to

    Rule Of The Hyskos

    The Hyskos took over egypt and taught them how to make bronze.
  • Jan 30, 1550

    The Egyptians Rise Up

    The Egyptians Rise Up
    THey use the metal weapons and chariots to retake Egypt and start the New Kingdom
  • The Hyskos Take over Egypt

    The Hyskos Take over Egypt
    The Hyskos Attack and win due to their horse drawn chariots.
  • Period: to

    Middle Kingdom

    The Middle kingdom was a period of great growth.
  • Death of Hammurabi

    Death of Hammurabi
    Hammurabi died and Babalon fell along with most of Mesopotamia.
  • Period: to

    Bablonian Empire

    Hammurabi came to power and took over all of the smaller kingdoms, when ge died however it all fell apart
  • Hammurabi Comes To Rule

    Hammurabi Comes To Rule
    Hammurabi and the Bablonians come and take lead of Mesopotamia.
  • The Middle Kingdom Begins

    The Middle Kingdom Begins
    A new king comes to rule over egypt and a new dynasty besins with great growth
  • Period: to

    Akkadian Empire

    The Akkadian Empire took over after the Sumerians but it only lasted for a few hundred years.
  • Fall of the Akkadian Empire

    Fall of the Akkadian Empire
    The Akkadians fall and there are many years of turmoil
  • Fall Of Old Kingdom

    Fall Of Old Kingdom
    The Old Kingdom is attacked by raiders and the king is killed there is no king for many years.
  • Period: to

    Old Kingdom

    The Old Kingdom Was the first Dynasty of Eqypt.
  • The Akkadians Take Over

    The Akkadians Take Over
    The Akkadians led by Sargin take over Mesopotamia.
  • Period: to

    Sumerian Civilization

    sumeria was on of the first series of organized city states it began in 4500 BC and ended in 2340 BC
  • Great Pyramid Is Built

    Great Pyramid Is Built
    The great pyramid is built under King Khufu.
  • Eqypt Is United Into One Kingdom

    Eqypt Is United Into One Kingdom
    Menes unites upper and lower eqypt into one kingdom and the Old Kingdom begins
  • Agruculture In Mesopotamia

    Agruculture In Mesopotamia
    This was when people kame down from the mountains to farm in the plains.