Timeline pic q6

Media Evaluation Question 6

  • Starting AS Media

    Starting AS Media
    Friday September 4th is the date that I started studying AS Media. When I first started I do did not know anything about the world of media and didn't really know how to use basic equipment such as; cameras and tripods.
  • Period: to

    My progression using equipment/programs

  • Starting our blogs

    Starting our blogs
    On the 16th of September 2015 we began our AS Media Blogs. We used Edublogs to document a range of different things such as the progress that was being made on the planning for The Trojan Complex. Furthermore Edublogs was a key element throughout the research and planning stage therefore we had to try and adapt to blogging fairly quickly. Before studying AS Media I had never used Edublogs therefore it was something new.We used our blog to document things like research into the current market.
  • Preliminary Project

    Preliminary Project
    This was the first big task that we were given. While doing this preliminary project I learned how to do a range of different things. For example I learned how to use a camera and tripod which was really helpful as this was something that was going to be needed when it came to filming The Trojan Complex. The preliminary project gave me a good idea on how to do things like editing and using basic equipment such as a camera and tripod.
  • Using iMovie

    Using iMovie
    I used iMovie to edit our preliminary project The Argument. I wasn't very familar with iMove because I had never edited a video before studying AS Media. I managed to cut up the rushes and managed to sort out what clips we were going to include from the SD Card. I then put all the clips into order to then get the finished sequence. The finished product was exported from iMovie and was then uploaded to Youtube. The skills I learned from using iMovie I took into editing the main project .
  • Slideshare

    I used slideshare many times throughout the research and planning process. Slideshare allowed me to upload files such as PowerPoint and Word to edublogs. Slideshare was something that I didn't really use before and this helped me upload a range of different files.
  • Using computers (Macs)

    Using computers (Macs)
    Throughout the whole research and planning process we used computer a lot. We had to use computers to research into the current market at home which we then posted our findings on edublogs which is one of the many uses we had for computers. However I had always used a windows computer so when I first used Mac I knew very little. Overtime I got used to using Macs and am now confident in my ability to use Macs to use things like iMovie or for surfing the internet for research.
  • Using Edublogs

    Using Edublogs
    During the process of edublogs we did a range of different things and the blog was useful for showing the progression of the tasks we were doing. For example I used my blog to show the progression of the Screenplay that I was creating for the first 2 opening minutes of our film. Furthermore I catgorized all my blogs so they were easier to find and made my blog more organized. I also embeded a range of things into my blog posts, I embeded word documents that were put on slideshare.
  • Using Prezi

    Using Prezi
    Throughout the timespan of about 3 months I used a range of different programs to try and make my blog look as good as possible. For example I used a prezi to present the props & costumes that were going to be used for The Trojan Complex, I also used prezi for a photo album towards the end of the time period. Prezi was a program which I had never used before and I am now capable of using Prezi to create an interactive presentation. Prezi allowed me to create some really good pieces of work.
  • First Filming Session

    First Filming Session
    This was a huge day for us as we went out and filmed the first 50 seconds of The Trojan Complex. During the day we used a range of different equipments for example we used both a camera and tripod to record the first 50 seconds on we also had to use a SD Card which would allow us to save the rushes. If we did not have an SD Card then we would not of been able to use the footage that we had captured during the first filming session and the SD Card was vital during all of our shoots.
  • Editing

    Throughout the whole production stage of making both our Prelmininary projecy and our main project we had to edit our films. We had to use editing softwares to make the nesscary changes to our film and to make sure that it looked good. For example we used Sony Vegas to add colour correction, this made the overall smoothness of the film a lot better therefore showing the importance of using editing software something that I was not familiar with at the start of my AS Media studies.
  • Using Sony Vegas

    Using Sony Vegas
    Song Vegas was the program that we used to edit the first 2 opening minutes of The Trojan Complex. I had never used an editing software before using Sony Vegas and I managed to learn a range of different things. For example I learned how to add sounds into the raw footage, during the first 2 opening minutes there are 2 separate sounds a punching sound and a kicking sound I managed to put both of these sounds in.
  • Using Youtube

    Using Youtube
    Youtube was another program that was heavily used during my AS Media studies. I was fairly familar with using Youtube as I use it a lot during my spare time but I never imported files into Youtube so I could upload a video so this was somehing new. I learnt how to import videos into Youtube which was very useful as our main project needed to be uploaded to Youtube.