
  • I was born

    I was born in Waverly Ohio at my grandparents house. My mother kept her pregnancy a secret and delivered me by herself. Surprise!
  • Lost my hearing

    Due to an ear infection, I lost most of my hearing in my left ear. I thought about becoming an RN like my mother. Even started working at her office on my days off. Seemed like an easy job. After losing my hearing, I am unable to take blood pressure. I cannot hear it no matter the stethoscope. That changed my career option. Which lead me back to the idea of teaching.
  • First Job at Arby's

    I wanted to learn what it was like to have responsibility so I decided to get a job in fast food service. It taught me to have patience with others and how to work with my fellow coworkers.
  • Decided to be a teacher

    I always thought about becoming a teacher but always heard about how awful it is. No real money, always changing, etc. But I knew after working with young kids at the elementary school that is what I was meant to do. I felt called to teach young children.
  • Job at Portsmouth Ambulance

    My family owns Portsmouth Ambulance and is working with me and my difficult schedule through school.I work in the HR Department. My "adult" coworkers resemble the preschool class I also work in. Same issues just different ages, but helps me learn how to handle problems with children as well as the adults I will be facing in my career. This experience has helped me manage my time, multitasking, and how to handle difficult situations that I can use in my own classroom.
  • High School Graduation

    Thank goodness I survived!
  • First day at SSU

    Here we go! Hope to graduation May 2018
  • Car Accident

    Hit by 65 mph car. I broke 5 ribs, 3 pelvic fractures,broken sacrum, laceration to my kidney and liver. This has been the hardest thing for me to overcome. This taught me to have patience with myself, as well as others. I had to learn the basic daily functions again. It gave me a new mindset and helped me remember what is was like to be a child. How they are learning and sometimes it can take a while. Or you may need to try it in a different way.