Major Events of the French Revolution

  • Louis the XIV Calls the Estates General

    The economic problems in France were terrible. The 3rd Estate were being taxed while the other Estates could do whatever they wanted. Louis opened the session with a speech while he reviewed the circumstances and what he expected from Estates General. However, the 3rd Estate were dissatisfied and decided to take things in their own hands. Sources :
  • Parisians Storm the Bastille

    The main reason why the Parisians stormed the Bastille was to get ammunition and arms. 30,000 pounds of gunpowder was stored at the Bastille. to them, it was a symbol of the monarchy’s tyranny. It was important because it was a representation of the oppressive nature of the monarchy. It was also the start of the French Revolution. Source :, , notes
  • Writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Men

    The Declaration of Men is one of the most important papers of the French Revolution. It is one of the most basic charters of human liberties. The Declaration is also explicable as an attack on the pre-revolutionary moarchial regime. Source: ,, notes
  • Establishment of the New Constitution

    The constitution was created by the National Assembly. It establishes a constitutional monarchy and incorporated several political ideas from the Enlightenment. It lasted less than a year. Source:, ,
  • Execution of the King & Queen / Reign of Terror

    On January 21st, Louis was guilltoned due to conviction of conspiracy with foreign powers. 9 months later , Maria Antoneitte was convicted of treason by a tribunal and on October 16th she was guillotined. The Reign of Terror was the execution of many people. During the Terror , the Commitee of Public Safety exercised dictorial control over the French government. Around 17,000 people were executed. Source:, ,
  • Napoleon Overthrows the Directory

    Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military leader and emporeor who conqueeed much of Europe in the early 19th century. With the help of Sieyes and Roger Ducks as well his brother Lucien, he succeeded in ending the Directory and becoming first consul of France. Bonaparte replaced the Directiry with the French Consulate. Source: , ,
  • Napoleon Builds an Empire

    A series of wars, known as the Napoleonic wars extended French influence to much of Western Europe and into Poland. Napoleon encouraged numerous reforms spreading ideals of the Revolution throughout Europe. Napoleon made many lasting impacts on his conquered countries. Source: , ,
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon considered Russia a natural ally since it had no territorial conflicts with France and wanted to teach Alexander a lesson. He left his 400,000 troops to fight on their own because of the climate of Russia. It was his worst defeat with only 10,000 troops surviving. Source: , notes ,
  • The Congress of Vienna Meets

    The first priority of the Congress of Vienna was to deal with territorial issues. It was the most comprehensive treaty that Europe had ever seen. As a result of the Congress , France lost most of the territories and other states saw minor territorial changes. Source: , ,
  • Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon suffers defeat at the hands of Duke of Wellington. The army of Prussians broke through the border of Napoleon and British counterattacked which drove the French army into chaos. It was the end of a series of wars that had ravaged Europe since the French Revolution. Source: , ,