Major events in Russian Revolution

  • Nicholas II crowned tsar

    Nicholas II crowned tsar
    PictureHistory Info
    Tsar Nicholas II crowned last Tsar in Russian history. A month after his father died Nicholas married a german princess and became tsar.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    PictureRusso-Japanesse war
    The war beetween Russia and Japan starts. The Russians lose after a series of desisive losses.The Russians had outdated weapons and Technology.
  • Revolution of 1905

    People were rioting,naval mutinies and assasinations took place.
    This happend becuase the Russians were losing the Russo-Japanese war.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    The rioters marched toward Winters Palace to protest. The Tsar orderd his guards to fire on the protests. Many were killed and injured.
  • Russian Civil War begins

    The civil war was a fight between Reds and the Whites. The Bolshevicks(reds) won against the whites because the whites were disorganized and all wanted power.
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    The people were protesting and rioting about bread. The Tsar orderd his troops to fire. One regement defected and the revolution was sucsessful for the people.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovisk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovisk
    The treaty ended the Russian's participation in World War 1
  • Russian Civil war Ends

    Russian Civil war Ends
    The Bolsheviks took control and killed the Tsar. The reds finnaly won. The war ended in 1902. Lenin made the Russian Empire the Soviet Unoin. I got all Ifnormation From and Infoplease.