Lutheran symbol

Lutheran History

  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther's 95 Theses

    Martin Luther's 95 Theses
    Luther posted his 95 theses to the church's door, which expressed his disapproval of church authorities selling indulgences and the papacy's abuse of power.
  • Jan 28, 1521

    The Diet of Worms

    The Diet of Worms
    After being excommunicated by Pope Leo X, Charles V issues the Edict of Worms which declares Martin Luther as an outlaw and bans all of his writings.
  • Aug 13, 1526

    Diet of Speyer

    Diet of Speyer
    The Diet of Speyer suspended the Edict of Worms and decided that "every State shall so live, rule, and believe as it may hope and trust to answer before God and his imperial Majesty".
  • Mar 4, 1529

    Diet of Speyer

    Diet of Speyer
    This Diet of Speyer revoked what the first Diet of Speyer decided and reinforced the Edict of Worms and prevented further reformation, which German princes and Imperial free city leaders protested.
  • Jun 25, 1530

    Augsburg Confession

    Augsburg Confession
    Consisting of 28 articles, this is one of the principle documents of the Lutheran church.
  • Dec 11, 1534

    Translation of the New Testament

    Translation of the New Testament
    While at the Wartburg Castle, Luther translate the New Testament into the German language.
  • Aug 2, 1552

    Treaty of Passau

    Treaty of Passau
    The Treaty of Passau, made between Charles V and Protestant princes, guaranteed religious freedoms.
  • Sep 25, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    The Peace of Augsburg was the legalization of the Lutheran faith and stated "cuius regio, eius religio".
  • Dec 8, 1560

    Lutheranism Spreads

    Lutheranism Spreads
    After originating in Germany, Lutheranism began to quickly spread during the Reformation to places such as Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and many other parts of northern Europe to become one of the largest branches of Protestantism today.
  • Dec 5, 1580

    Book of Concord

    Book of Concord
    The Book of Concord was published.