Lisa Brown--Technology Timeline

By avs6th
  • P: Birth

    I am born. Many pictures taken. Positive
  • P: 1st Birthday

    My parents rented a video camera to record my first birthday party. Great black mail of my sister and I in the bathtub. I took my first steps not only on my first birthday, in front of realtives but on camera! Positive
  • P: Books on Tape

    My family loved books on tape for long car rides. Positive.
  • P: Dry Erase Boards

    P: Dry Erase Boards
    I don't even remember chalk boards, but my mother told me I had them until about 3rd grade. I was slightly allergic to the chalk. Positive.
  • P: Macintosh Quadra 605

    P: Macintosh Quadra 605
    First computer! Positive
  • P/N: Spell Check!

    Spell check used in all typed documents. Positive and Negative
  • P: Alarm Clock Radio

    I hated waking up to an alarm, even at a early age. I asked Santa for an alarm clock radio for Christmas. I have used one ever since. Positive.
  • Sending notes in class

    From 6th grade to 12th grade I would sneak notes to friends in class. I had notebooks with close friends that we would pass back and forth in highschool. I still have some.
  • P: First e-mail

    Earlier in 1998, I got my first email address-- However, in November I changed to I know this becuase I still have it! I save everything and have emails from this time. This is the first one I still have. . . Positive
    thanks for the thing on instinst messanger!
    my mom say that it was cool and that we would try to down lode it
    tomorrow.PLEASE e-mail me back. and inculde ALLof your e-mail
    addersses!!!!" lisa :-)
  • P: AOL AIM instant Messenger

    P: AOL AIM instant Messenger
    Username SoccerLGB. Chated with friends, and when my mom wasn't looking, tried to go into chat rooms. Positive.
  • P: Computer Class

    I was put into a 1/2 year computer class for an elective. I learned to type, the basics of Word and chatted online secrectivly. Positive
  • P/N: Type everything

    My 8th grade English teacher was frustrated with my handwriting. She told me to type of everything on my computer. Positive and Negative
  • P: AC, high speed internet and Cable!

    My father, an economical man, finally gave in and got central AC for our house in Sacramento, high spped internet and basic cable.
  • N: Graphing Calculator

    N: Graphing Calculator
    A $90.00 graphing calculator is required for my Algebra 2 class. I used to be type cheat sheets and some pirated games. Have no idea how to use the special funcations by the next year. I still have it in my desk and it is gathering dust. Negative
  • P: First ipod

    P: First ipod
    I saved my money for awhile to get this. I was more interested in the games on it. Positive
  • P: First cell phone

    Graduated high school and got my first cell phone. Positive
  • P: Joined Facebook

    I know the exact date becuase of facebook timeline! I was so excited to finally get on facebook. It was only for colleges and the CSU's were put on after the UC's. Positive
  • P: Laptop

    Gave up on the desktop and bought a laptop. I was very happy to be able to take my computer with me and work on the sofa! Positive
  • P: Bought an iphone

    P: Bought an iphone
    I had a new job and the money to spend! Positive
  • Present