Life Span Timeline

  • Conceived

  • Germinal Period Begins

  • Germinal Period Ends

  • The Embryonic Period Begins

  • The Embryonic Period Ends

  • The Fetal Period Begins

  • Birthday, Fetal Period Ends

    I was born July 14,1990 to Greg and Karen Decker. I came into the world weighing 7lbs 2 oz and equiped with a two year old older brother.
  • First Two Years- Biosocial

    In the first two years of my life I lived in Canton, MI with my parents and older brother. My mother was a stay at home mom, and my dad was always traveling on buisness. I owe the majority of my biosocial development to my mother.
    During my first two years of life(1990-1992) my biosocial devlopement began normally. I grew and developed sensor motor skills like walking, potty training, babbling that lead to speech. I had a brother who was two years older who I used as a guide to learn and play.
  • First Two Years- Psychosocial

    My psychosocial development in my first two years of life was normal and active. I was a very emotional baby and responded frequently with crying, giving me the nickname "squawk" by my father. I was a very social but idependent baby and toddler, always making friends and liked to do things my way and in my own time.
  • First Two Years-Cognitive Development

    My cognitive development began immediatly after I was born. I went through Piaget's four distinct periods of development like normal babies. In first stage, sensorimotor intelligence, I learned the majority of motor skills and senses. I learned reflexes, coordination, how to respond to stimulates, and how to actively experiment with my environment. As I entered stages three and four I began playing with toys, especially my favorite toy, my "blankie" or blanket that I carried everywhere.
  • The Play Years- Biosocial

    From the age of 2-6 (1992-1996) my biosocial development grew immensly. I went through normal body changes, but was always on the smaller side compared to other children my age. My mother always cooked my brother an I homecooked meals every day and I was a healthy eater.
  • The Play Years- Cognitive Development

    From the age 2-6 my cognitive development was like any other child. My mother read to me and my brother every night before bed, so I developed language and my love for reading at an early age. When I entered preschool and kindergarden I furthered my cognitive skills by playing with other children and making friends that I still have today.
  • The Play Years- Psychosocial Development

    From the age of 2 through 6 I was very social,happy, and outgoing. I loved playing and getting into things. My parents had a lot to do with my happiness. They gave me everything I needed to be successful. During these years I looked uo to my brother and wanted to be just like him. I tried to deny the fact that I was a girl and wanted to play sports, get dirty and watch cartoons. My mother decided to put me in ballet class at this time.
  • The School Years- Biosocial

    My biosocial development from the ages 7-11 could be considered above average. I attended Our Lady of Good Counsel school, a catholic school in downtown Plymouth. I always did well in school, even though my teachers always complained I talked too much in class. I was a healthy weight and height and was active because I was involved in dance classes and sports like basketball, volleyball, and baseball.
  • The School Years- Cognitive Development

    Like I said before, I attended Our Lady of Good Counsel School and learned many skills in and outside of school. I was on course with developing lanuguage and even began taking Spanish class at the age of eleven.
  • The School Years- Psychosocial Development

    From the ages 7-11 I had many friends and was considered moderatly popular in school. I was not very influenced by other children, besides my best friend Kelly. We did everything together and even shared our love for horseback riding together. At the age of nine my grandfather passed away, this was a big loss in my family that I think effects me till this day. I always wish I had more time with him.
  • Adolescence-Biosocial Development

    The wonderful age of puberty. I was considered a late bloomer, and did not really development till I was 16 when I started my menstrual cycle and developed breasts. During highschool I drank a handfull of times maybe and never did drugs.
  • Adolescence-Cognitive Development

    I attended Mercy Highschool in Farmington Hills, MI from 2004-2008. It was an all girls Catholic highschool where I made some of my best friends. I did well in school and was involved in dance, plays, horseback riding and had a part time job at Subway from the age of 15-18. I was busy, which kept me out of trouble and focused on getting into a good college.
  • Adolescence- Psychosocial Development

    Like many adolescents during my teenage years I was very confused about who I was and how to feel. I was moody towards my parents and longed for freedom and would rebel against their rules and broke curfew a couple times. I fell in love for the first time and of course, like most teenage relationships it ended in heartbreak. I had a period where I was very sad and angry with myself for no real reason.I was very involved in dance, and developed a slight eating disorder because of the pressure.
  • Emerging Adulthood- Biosocial Development

    I graduated from highschool in 2008 and was excited to go away to college. I finally felt like a real woman and had grown out of my awkward moody phase. I was still very active and began working out at a local gym because I stopped dancing after I graduated. I took part in normal activities most 18-20yrs take part in like college parties and bonfires.
  • Emerging Adulthood- Cognitive Development

    I began college in the fall of 2008 and Grand Valley State University. I still attend there and I am studying Animal Science and Non-profit Administration. I feel like I am more religious and moral at this age than ever before. Now that Catholic traditons and beliefs are no longer being forced upon me, I can develop my own values and thoughts about religion.
  • Emerging Adulthood- Psychosocial Development

    As my 21st birthday approaches I finally feel like I know exactly who I am. I have a great group of friends who I adore, a loving boyfriend of two years and a close bond with my family. My older brother moved to Africa for the Peace Corps in 2010, and surprisingly we talked more now than ever. I am happy with my life and look forward to the future ahead of me.
  • Adulthood-Biosocial Development

    In my adult years from age 25-65 I feel like I will age gracefully If I continue my healthy lifestyle. If I continue to work out, eat some what healthy foods and limit the amount of alcohol I drink i think that I will avoid some conditions middle agers face like obesity, high-blood pressure and diabetes.
  • Adulthood- Cognitive Development

    At the age of 40, I hope I am still learning and growing mentally. Hopefully I will be in a stable career with a husband and family. I plan on traveling the world with my future spouse and learn and experience new cultures.
  • Adulthood- Psychosocial Development

    At the age of 65, I hope to still be married and close with my adult children. I can see myself slowing down at this age and perhaps moving to a smaller town or smaller house with my husband in the country. I will be retired at this age and will be able to enjoy my free time with hobbies.
  • Late Adulthood- Biosocial

    In the year 2060 I will be 70 yrs old. I hope to still be living a healthy and active life. I am sure at this age I will be experiencing some sensory loss along with normal aging like wrinkles and white hair. I know I will be considered an old lady at this point but I hope I am not discriminated because of my age.
  • Late Adulthood- Cognitive Development

    At the age of 71 I am sure I will fall victim of some memory loss and short term memory loss. I hope I do not suffer from diseases like dimensia and enjoy my remaining years to thier fullest. I hope to still be social and perhaps pass down some of my wisdom to my grandchildren.
  • Late Adulthood- Psychosocial Development

    Being 75 years old I worry that I will be alone, I hope that I still have my spouse and friends along with family members. I feel that I will cope with retirement well since I love being outdoors, traveling and other hobbies. I also hope that I wont be a burdren to my family members and can be healthy as long as possible.
  • Death and Dying

    in 2070 I will be 80 years old. If I make that long I hope I go peacefully. I plan on having a living will to make it easier for my loved ones and to make sure I get what I want in the end. I am not exactly sure what my living will will include, but hopefully I have time to figure that out.