Life of Muhammad

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    Muhammad's birth

    Muhammad's birth
    He was born in the town of Mecca. His name comes from the Arabic word, hamada, which means, "to praise, to glorify."
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    The loss of Muhammad's parents

    On the way home from the journey with his mother, Amina, she got sick and died. Muhammad's father was already dead because Muhammad and his mother's journey was going to see his father's grave.
  • Dec 29, 610

    Muhammad Recieves First Revelation

    Muhammad's first revelation was at the age of 40 on Mount Hiri. He thought he was either going crazy, hallucinating or was being visited by a demonic apparition.
  • Sep 23, 613

    Muhammad Tells his Message to the people

    Muhammad Tells his Message to the people
    After he had a few more revalations, he told his tribe about his experiences. The messages he recieved became the Qur'an.
  • Aug 2, 622

    Muhammad flees to Medina

    Muhammad flees to Medina
    Muhammad built the first Muslim community in Medina. He lived there for six years.
  • Jan 13, 630

    Muhammad and the Muslims take over Mecca

    The Muslims peacefully conquered Mecca. The Meccans joined the Muslims.
  • Jun 8, 632

    Muhammad's death

    Muhammad died in Medina and he was buried in the mosque in Medina.
  • Muhammad adopted by his uncle

    When he was about eight, Muhammad is adopted by his uncle.
  • Muhammad's Marriage

    Muhammad married a rich widow from Mecca named Khadija. He managed her business and they had six children.
  • Treaty Signed between Muslims and Meccans

    Treaty Signed between Muslims and Meccans
    The Muslims were now more powerful in Arabia and had the freedom to travel in Arabia without being harmed.