
The Major Events Of Islam

By 17wang
  • 106

    The Rise of Arab

    The Romans extended their authority to the Arabian peninsula, transforming it into a province of their growing empire. The region was inhabited primarily by the Bedouin Arabs, nomadic peoples who came originally from the northern part of the peninsula.
  • Period: 500 to Jan 1, 600

    The economic of Arab

    The econimic importance of the Arabian peninsula began to increase.
  • 570

    The first part of Muhammad

    The first part of Muhammad
    Muhammad was born in Mecca to a merchant family and orphaned at the age of six. Muhammad grew up to become a caravan manager and married a rch widow, Khadija. For several years he lived in Mecca as a merchant.
  • Period: 570 to Jan 1, 632

    The Life of Muhammad

    The most important man in the ancient time.
  • Jan 1, 610

    Muhammad and his first revelation

    Muhammad and his first revelation
    The first revelation Muhammad's first revelation was on the mountain called Jabal an-Nour, near Mecca, it was the Arch-angel Gabriel revealed to him a verse from the Quran.
  • Jan 1, 622

    Muhammad's journey

    Muhammad and some of his closest supporters left the city and retreated north to the rival city of Yathrib(later renamed Medina). This flight, known in history as the Hegira, marks the first date on the official calendar of Islam. At the city he formed the first Muslim community(the umma).
  • Jan 1, 630

    The visit to the Ka'aba

    Muhammad made a symbolic visit to the Ka'aba, he declared it a sacred shrine of Islam and ordered the destruction of the idols of the traditional faith.
  • Jan 11, 630

    The Conquest of Mecca

    The Conquest Of MeccaMuhammad conquered Mecca and converted the townspeople to the new faith.
  • Jan 1, 632

    The death of Muhammad

    Muhammad died, and the spread of Islam was just began throughtout the peninsula.
  • Jan 1, 632

    The developing of Shari'a

    After the death of Muhammad, Muslim scholars, known as the ulama, drew up a law code, called the Shari'a, to provide believers with a set of prescriptions to regulate their daily lives.
  • Jan 1, 632

    The successor after Muhammad

    Shortly after Muhammad's death, a number of his closest folllowers selected Abu Bakr as caliph(successor).
  • Period: Jan 1, 636 to Jan 1, 640

    The conquest of Byzantine

    In 636,the Muslims defeated the Byzantine army at the Yarmuk River, north of the Dead Sea. In 640, Muslims took possession of the Byzantine province of Syria.
  • Period: Jan 1, 637 to Jan 1, 650

    The conquest from Arab

    In 637, the Arabs defeated a Persian force.
    In 650, the Arabs conquer the entire empire of the Sassanids.
    In the meantime, Egypt and other areas of North Africa were also brought under Arab authority.
  • Jan 1, 656

    The successors

    After Abu Bakr's death, the office was passed to Umar, another of Muhammad's followers. In 656, Umar's successor, Uthman, was assassinated, and Ali, who fortuitously happened to be in Medina at that time, was selected for the position.
  • Jan 1, 661

    The Umayyads

    Ali was assassinated, and Mu'awiya, the governor of Syria and one of Ali's chief rivals, replaced Ali in office. He made the caliphate hereditary in his own family called the Umayyads, who were a branch of the Quraishi clan. The new caliphate, with its new capital at Damascus, remained in power for nearly a century.
  • Jan 1, 700

    The wars in early eight century

    New attacks were launched at both the western and the eastern ends of the Mediterranean world. Arab armies advanced across North Africa and conquered the Berbers. Muslim fleets seized several islands in the eastern Mediterranean.
  • Jan 1, 725

    The result of the conquest

    Most of the Iberian peninsula had become a Muslim state with its center in Andalusia.
  • Jan 1, 750

    The overthrow of the Umayyads

    A revolt led by Abu al-Abbas, a descendant of Muhammad's uncle, led to the overthrow of the Abbasid dynasty in what is now Iraq.
  • Period: Jan 1, 750 to Jan 1, 1258

    The Abbasid dynasty

    Developed by Abu al-Abbas. The Abbasid calipgs brought political, economic, and cultural change to the world of Islam.
  • Jan 1, 762

    The new capital of the Abbadis dynasty

    The Abbasids built a new capital city at Baghdad, on the Tigris River far to the east of the Umayyad capital at Damascus.
  • Jan 1, 1055

    The Seljuk Turks

    In the eleventh centuey, the Seljuk Turks converted to Islam and flourished as military mercenaries for the Abbasid caliphate, made serious threat to the Abbasid caliphate. In 1055, a Tutkish leader captured Baghdad and assumed command of the empire with the title of sultan.
  • Jan 1, 1071

    The war between Byzantines and Turks

    Byzantines foolishly challenged the Turks, their army was routed at Manzikert, near Lake Van in eastern Turkey, and the victors took over most of the Anatolian peninsula.
  • Jan 1, 1169

    The end of the Fatimid dynasty

    Sunni Muslims under the leadership of Saladin, vizier to the last Fatimid caliph, brought an end to the Fatimid dynasty.Saladin succeeded in establishing his control over both Egypt and Syria, thereby confronting the Christian states in the area with united Muslim power on two fronts.
  • Apr 4, 1187

    The army by Saladin

    Saladin's army invaded the Kingdom of Jerusalem and destroyed the Chrishian forces concentrated there.
  • Apr 4, 1258

    The end of the caliphate

    Under the leadership of Hulegu, they seized Persia and Mesopotamia, bringing an end to the caliphate at Baghdad.
  • Apr 4, 1453

    The end of the Byzantine dynasty

    Sultan Mehmet II seized Constantinople and brought an end to the Byzantine dynasty.
  • The links

    The text sorces:
    “Conquest of Mecca” en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conquest_of_Mecca
    “Muhammad” en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad
    The Picture sorces:
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:ModernEgypt,_Muhammad_Ali_by_Auguste_Couder,_BAP_17996.jpg http://kaweah.com/blog/2008/06/19/the-trinity-of-islam/
  • The Shi'ite new dynasty

    A new Shi'ite dunasty under the Fatimids was established in Egypt with Its capital at Cairo.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Harun al-Rashid

  • Period: to Jan 1, 1031

    Ummayad caliphate inSpain