
Lebanese Civil War

By seunga
  • Period: May 30, 632 to May 30, 634

    Movement of Shi'ites

    During the Arab-Islamic conquests of the region, Shiites arrived in Lebanon from Iraq, and settled.
  • Period: May 30, 650 to May 30, 710

    Movement of Maronites

    The Maronites moved from the Syrian interior into Lebanon in the second half of the 7th century because of their differences with the Jacobite Church and to escape persecution by the Byzantine government.
  • Period: May 30, 661 to May 30, 1258

    Increasing Sunni population

    During the Umayyad reign in Syria and the Abbasid reign in Iraq, the Sunni population grew in Lebanon and settled in.
  • Period: May 30, 1516 to

    Ottoman Empire

    Sunnis belonged to the official state religion and helped them to become the dominant political class.
  • establishment of the State of Greater Lebanon

    establishment of the State of Greater Lebanon
    The collapse of the Ottoman Empire resulted in French colonization of Lebanon. Greater Lebanon was created by France to be a "safe haven" for the Maronite population. Most of the Muslims in Greater Lebanon rejected the new state upon its creation.
  • 1943 National Pact

    1943 National Pact
    Took "confessional" system, which allocates political power according to religoius affiliation. Seats in the Chamber of Deputies were divided according to a 6:5 formula, giving the Christian population a permanent majority in the legislature over the Muslims. The president had to be a Maronite Christian, the prime minister a Sunni Muslim, and the speaker of the parliament a Shi’ite Muslim.
  • Independence from France

    Independence from France
    Lebanon became officially free of French mandatory control. However, even after the independence, the authority of the West still was powerful in the region, and this influence continues to the present day.
  • Period: to

    Suffered from Israel-Palestine conflict

    The southern Lebanon, where poor Shi'a was dominant, became an arena for Israel-Palestine conflict. Wanting to avoide provoking Israel, Lebanon simply abandoned the southern Lebanon.
  • Attack against a bus carrying Palestinians by Phalange party

    Attack against a bus carrying Palestinians by Phalange party
    The overcrowded bus came under fire from Christian Phalangist militiamen in the Beirut. The attack killed several Palestinians in what is widely regarded as the true start of the civil war.
  • Period: to

    first phase

  • Period: to

    Lebanese Civil War

    Maronite Chritians v.s. Sunnit and Shi'ite Muslim
  • Syrian military intervention

    Syrian military intervention
    When PLO and its Lebanese allies were about to overrun predominantly Christian areas, Syria invervened militarily in Lebanon to save the right-wing militias with support from Israel, US and France.
  • Period: to

    second phase

  • The Hundred Days of War

    The Hundred Days of War
    The Hundred Days War was a subconflict within the Lebanese Civil War, which occurred at the Lebanese Capital Beirut between February and April 1978.The conflict resulted in Syrian Army's expulsion from East Beirut, and the breaking of alliance between Syria and the Lebanese Front.
  • Invasion by Israel

    Invasion by Israel
    Israel took advantage of teh deteriorating security situation throughtout the coutnry and expected that the situation would help all-out military interventoin succeed. The invasion claimed the lives of some 20,000 Lebanese and Palestinians.
  • Period: to

    Thrid phase

  • Period: to

    Fourth phase

  • Taif Accord

    Taif Accord
    It ended the war and reconciled the warring factions into accepting an agreement in which Muslims were given greater respresentation in the government.