Leading to the Russian Revolution

  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    A group of nobles lead an uprising in protests of Nicholas the first taking throne. it ended up failing, it showed people in the new generation that loyalty is no problem, they got excited and rebelled to.
  • The Emancipation of Russian Serfs

    The Emancipation of Russian Serfs
    Alexander the second issues a declaration, decrees that it abolished serfdom serfs were allowed to buy land. economic hardships for the serfs, they go into really bad debt.
  • The Social Democratic Party Splits (Mensheviks and Bolsheviks)

    The Social Democratic Party Splits (Mensheviks and Bolsheviks)
    Social democratic party, revolutionary party wanted destructiion and overthrow the czar. Blood civil war against eachother in Russia. common goal= split.
  • Russian War with Japan

    Russian War with Japan
    Fought over Manchuria (island) Japan Easily won the war against Russia. Declined power in Russia, Russia's leader Czar Nicholas the second grew and eventually led people to demand more freedom in revolution 1905.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Workers in Russia wants to have more freedoms, a chief of security ordered that had police fire upon protesters, killing 100 and leaving a lot wounded, injured.
  • Revoltuon of 1905

    Revoltuon of 1905
    Widespread Revolt of Russians, people coordinate called Soviets to better protest. Puma= decree from czar.
    Fundamental Laws= gives some limited civil liberties to Russian Soviets will be basis of 1917 revolutions.
  • 1917 Czar Nicholas 2nd Abdicates the Throne.

    1917 Czar Nicholas 2nd Abdicates the Throne.
    Following Russian struggles in WW1 there is an uprising in Petrograd (AKA St. Petersburg)
    Nicholas= He thought the russians would be powerful. Collapse of absolute rule.
    Nicholas rounded up family and killed.
  • 1917 Bolshevik Revolution

    1917 Bolshevik Revolution
    Nicks Abdciates is setup to have a new czar. Temporarily Russia powers is weak, Bolsheviks take power. Lenin is new leader. Bolsheviks turn russia into communist state, lenin is supreme leader, new civil leader between the two parties.
  • 1918 Treaty of Brest-Litvosk

    1918 Treaty of Brest-Litvosk
    the new Soviet government realizes difficulty of Russia fighting germany, Russia gives up on Ukraine, Poland, Baltic territiories up North.
  • 1918-1921 Russian Civil War

    1918-1921 Russian Civil War
    Full vivil war in 1919. The cheka run terror
    Menshaviks- whites
    Bolsheviks- reds death of 6 million poeple whites are defeated.