
Launching the Republic, 1789-1815

  • First Congress

    First Congress
    Senate and House of Representatives meet for first time.
  • Washington Goes to New York

    Washington crosses Hudson River on a specially built boat in order to be inaugurated.
  • Washington's Inauguration

    Washington's Inauguration
    George Washington is inaugurated as the nation's first president in Washington, D.C.
  • First Tariff

    Congress created a revenue tariff to raise money for the government.
  • Judiciary Act

    Judiciary Act
    Law that set up the Supreme and lower courts. George Washington picked first Supreme Court judges; 3 from south and 3 from north.
  • Excise Tax on Whiskey

    Excise Tax on Whiskey
    Excise tax on whiskey put on people on who make whiskey (farmers). Favored by Hamilton and meant to help government pay its bills.
  • Bill of Rights Proposed

    Bill of Rights Proposed
    Bill of Rights added to protect personal liberties. 12 were suggested; 10 were ratified by December.
  • Period: to

    Whiskey Rebellion

    Pennsylvania Farmers refused to pay the whiskey excise tax-the federal government raised an army to defeat them.
  • Proclamation of Neutrality

    Proclamation of Neutrality
    Washington issued the Proclamation to stay neutral during the wars between Britain and France
  • Senate Gallery Built

    Meant for public and press to view Senate proceedings.
  • Period: to

    Jay Treaty/Pinckney Treaty

    Treaty with Britain which saw Britain give up fur posts (very unpopular) and with Spain where America got to use the Mississippi and New Orleans (popular)
  • Election of 1796

    Election of 1796
    Adams (Federalist) defeats Jefferson (Republican). Jefferson becomes Vice-President
  • Debts Paid Off!

    Debts Paid Off!
    Congress pays back all foreign creditors (for Revolutionary War debt).
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    When French officials demanded a bribe from Americans sent to negotiate, an unofficial war occurred with France. Adams ended up ensuring peace by the end of his term.
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    The Federalists made it illegal to criticize the government during the pretend war with France. Republican states like Virginia and Kentucky NULLIFIED the law.
  • Election of 1800

    Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied in electoral college; both were Republicans. The House of Representatives ends up electing Jefferson.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    William Marbury was appointed to be a federal judge by Adams. Jefferson didn't like Marbury and didn't invite him to be a judge. The Supreme Court agreed and got the power of judicial review.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon for $15 million or 4 cents an acre.
  • Lewis and Clark

    They were sent by Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Territory. It took two years, and they went from St. Louis to the Oregon Territory.
  • Embargo Act

    The United States forbid trading with foreign ports-Britain and France were at war.