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APUSH final timeline

  • 1440

    Colombian exchange PICTURE

    Colombian exchange PICTURE
    1440 to 1833
  • Period: 1440 to

    Columbian Exchange

    The columbian exchange, or triangular trade, was a trading system between England, Africa, and the west indies/American colonies. England gave manufactured goods to the colonies in exchange for natural recourses, Africa traded slaves to the west Indies in exchange for rum and other goods, and the west Indies traded sugar+molasses with England. This exchange benefited all of the countries involved for about 400 years. This system is what brought slavery into the US and would cause a civil war.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Discovery of the new world

    Discovery of the new world
    In 1492 Christopher Columbus Discovered the Continent North America. He got a grant from the current kind to venture on and find a direct rout to Asia from Europe. He eventually landed in the Caribbean where he thought he was in India and called the people living there Indians.
  • Settlement of Jamestown

    Settlement of Jamestown
    The very first settlement by Europeans in North America was Jamestown, Virginia. Pilgrams were sent by the Virginia company to establish a settlement in the new world. Unfortunately they faced hardships such as disease, harsh winters, and conflict with the native Americans.
  • The headwrite system and indentured servitude

    The headwrite system and indentured servitude
    The head write system was created by the English Monarchy to encourage British people to live in the American colonies. It stated that new settlers would receive a free 50 acres of land, and people already living in Virginia would get 100 acres. Indentured servitude was a system that allowed British to have free passage to America, in exchange for working 7-10 years for a master. Both of these systems highly contributed to a mass immigration into the colonies as well as Virginia's success.
  • The Elightenment

    The Elightenment
    The enlightenment was a movement in the 1700's that originated in England. It was a movement that promoted literacy and ideas of independence. The idea of natural rights also resulted from the enlightenment which are rights that you are born with and can't be taken away. Figureheads that contributed to the enlightenment were John Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, and Voltaire. The colonies in America embraced the enlightenment, they created more schools, publications, and became more independent.
  • The (first) great awakening

    The (first) great awakening
    Starting in the 1730's and continuing into the 1740's the first Great Awakening gave colonists in America a shared religious experience. Preachers like John Edwards and George Whitefreled would give sermons that highly influenced colonists to turn to religion. Illiterate colonists learned to read in order to read the bible, which prompted education for them. As a result of the first great awakening the colonists were encouraged to see all people as equal and to question authority, aka the king.
  • French and Indian War/ 7 year war

    French and Indian War/ 7 year war
    The mass immigration caused by the headwrite system and indentured servitude led to tense relations between the French and British because the British kept expanding their land. They had a war to settle these disputes and the colonists/British won. So the north American land was given to the Spanish. As a result of the war the colonists wanted to be treated equally towards loyal British, and weren't. The costly war also made the British government heavily tax the colonies. 1754-1763
  • The Boston tea Party

    The Boston tea Party
    In 1773 the sons of liberty participated in the Boston tea party. Basically they dressed up as Native Americans and destroyed 1.8 million dollars worth of tea into the ocean. They did this to protest the recent tea act that raised taxes of tea to pay for the French + Indian war. The British punish the colonies by closing the port of Boston, outlawing assemblies, taking complete charge of government, and enforcing the quartering act.
  • Signing the Declaration of Independence

    Signing the Declaration of Independence
    Written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776, declaring America independent from Great Britain. This was written after King George rejected the olive branch petition and declared the colonies to be and open rebellion. All 13 colonies send delegates to contribute to the document and it took place in Independence hall. Still today this declaration effects nations around the world. After it was published the revolution began and the United states were established.
  • Creating the Articles of Confederation

    Creating the Articles of Confederation
    After the war the US needed to establish a government. The "rough draft" was called the articles of confederation. They stated that the government would have no executive, no army, no taxing authority, give power to the states, have a small federal government, and expand the country northwest. These were very bad, they were a result of the trauma felt from Great Britians' control over them and would eventually be replaced by the US constitution at the constitutional convention.
  • The battle of Yorktown.

    The battle of Yorktown.
    After a tough campaign through the southern Colonies British general Cornwallis retreated to the coast of Yorktown Virginia. Unfortunately for him, the French had already defeated the British navy surrounding Yorktown, so he was surrounded by the American and French army. On October 20, 1781 the treaty of Paris was signed and the Revolutionary war officially ended. The new USA was granted all British lands between the Atlantic ocean and Mississippi river + north to British Canada as a result.
  • Constitutional convention

    Constitutional convention
    Composed of both federalist and anti federalist politicians, such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, the constitutional convention was necessary to develop the foundation of the US government. It established the three branches of government (federalist papers), developed the bill of rights/amendments, created the 3/5 compromise (slaves = 3/5 a person), and the Connecticut compromise. All of these establishments were created after the, controversial, articles of confederation failed.
  • George Washington elected as first president

    George Washington elected as first president
    George Washington was the first president of the USA. He was general during the revolutionary war and John Adams was his vice president. He gave the presidential position several precedents such as serving for 2 terms giving a farewell address when he left. He helped establish the presidential cabinet like the secretary of war, state, and treasury. He was usually nuteral on controversial matters, but was a federalist and believed in the idea of a loose constitution as opposed to a stricket one.
  • Judiciary act of 1789

    Judiciary act of 1789
    The Judiciary act was passed by congress in 1789, this is important because it established the federal court system and created the supreme court. This court has the power to overrule major cases in the US and veto laws put in place by presidents. The first 5 supreme court judges were elected, we now have 9. John Jay is chosen as the first chief justice for it.The federal court is essential to our current government, and many historical figures served in these positions.
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    George Washington President #1

  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    After the revolutionary war, the US was in Debt. Some states (Virginia) had no debt because they already payed it off. Hamilton created a financial plan that raised taxes of the US states to pay off the debt, which made states like Virginia upset. They call it the Whiskey rebellion because whiskey was one of the items taxed and the Virginians refused to pay it. The military eventually enforces the tax and the new federal government upholds its power. This began in 1791 and was resolved in 1794.
  • Creating the bill of rights

    Creating the bill of rights
    When the bill of rights was created in 1791, so were the first 10 amendments. These amendments gave US citizens the freedom of speech, firearms, Petitions, Assembly Quartering, Search and arrest, criminal cases, fair trial, Rights in civil cases, Bail, Rights retained by the People, and lastly gave States' rights. All of these freedoms were things that the colonists didn't have when Great Britain was in charge. These are so important because they are actively apart of our lives today.
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    John Adams President #2

  • XYZ affair

    XYZ affair
    John Adams was president when he dealt with the XYZ affair. He was keen to repair relations with the French, so diplomats went to negotiate a treaty. The French demanded a gift of 250,000 $ before they would negotiate. The Americans refused to pay and wanted to wage war against them. Adams avoids war by negotiating peace with Napoleon, which is unpopular. This showed the other nations that the US was a serious country and wouldn't be treated otherwise.
  • Alien and Sedation Acts

    Alien and Sedation Acts
    In 1798 the primarily federalist congress created the alien and sedation acts. They didn't want immigrants to vote during the war so they created 4 laws. They made it to where you had to live in the US for 14 years, not 5, to be a citizen. Additionally they made it possible for immigrants to be deported during wartime upon a president's request. These laws didn't allow for anyone to publicly disgrace the government. These laws were a big restriction on the nation's freedoms.
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    Thomas Jefferson President #3

  • Luisiana Purchase

    Luisiana Purchase
    When Thomas Jefferson was president, he purchased the Louisiana territory. This wasnt an easy decision for him but he knew it was best for the country, and since France was having economic trouble the land was cheap.The new land doubled the size of the country and buying it secured the port in New Orleans as well as the Mississippi River, which will eventually be used for trading and transportation. Lewis and Clark would later explore the new lands and create a path for westward expansion.
  • Transportation revolution

    Transportation revolution
    New technological advances were changing the was Americans lived. Transportation and trading was much easier with the steamboat, the US's first highway. The Canal system helped to link lakes and rivers together. Railroads were also powered by steam, they made it possible to ship and receive goods without rivers or canals. All of these new innovations made the transportation revolution possible and boosted the American economy.
  • Embargo of 1807

    Embargo of 1807
    During Jefferson's presidency Britain and France were at war. At the time we had good relations with both countries, so Jefferson remained neutral. Because of the war he imposed an embargo (ban) on all foreign trade. This was widely unpopular and known as his biggest mistake. It damaged the economy and encouraged domestic manufacturing. This embargo helped contribute to industrialization and urbanization in the northern US.
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    James Madison President #4

  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war was caused by British navy taking American ships and forcing them into service as British ships AND the fact that Britain was supporting the Natives in their fight against Americans. Americans demanded respect and went into war. Despite having a small, poorly trained military and having significantly less experience they won. During the war the white house burned down. As a result a sense of nationalism swept the nation and a transport system is officially being built for foreign trade.
  • Battle of new orleans

    Battle of new orleans
    This battle took place during the war of 1812 in new Orleans. Its soldiers were made up of a multicultural group of different experience levels. The trained British army were absolutely destroyed by the Americans. The Americans were led by Andrew Jackson, this battle makes Americans proud and patriotic and gives Andrew Jackson a reputation. Because of this battle Andrew Jackson will later go on to be a president and pay off the nations debt.
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    James Monroe President #5

  • Creation of the American System

    Creation of the American System
    Henry Clay had a strong idea for the future of the US national economy. He urged the government to create a positive environment so that businesses could thrive, this is called the American System. The system calls for a strong central bank, this is so that businesses can secure loans. It also protected tariffs on manufacturing and made it so that revenue from tariffs would go into the nations infrastructure. This is important for paving a the way for an industrial US and a steady economy.
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    John Quincy Adams President #6

  • Nullification crisis

    Nullification crisis
    President John Q Adams created the Tarrif of 1828 which raises taxes on manufactured goods. John C Calhoun threatens to nullify it because he says its unconstitutional. Since the Tariff favored the north Adams created a lower tariff (less taxes). South Carolina makes it void anyway and congress creates the force bill. This bill allows for Adams to use military force against SC. Henry Clay creates a compromise Tariff that lowers the tax by 10% every year for 10 years.
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    Andrew Jackson President #7

  • Abolitionist movement

    Abolitionist movement
    The abolitionist movement started because of multiple publications created in the 1800's. In 1831 Charles Finery published the first edition of liberator, a newspaper that spoke out against slavery. The Schism was a book (1841) that encouraged women to join the movement. The freed slave Fredrick douglas wrote about his experiences in the north star. All of these writings would encourage Americans to join the abolitionist movement and eventually lead to the civil war and 13th ammendment.
  • Jackson's Native American policy

    Jackson's Native American policy
    President Andrew Jackson created the Indian removal act. It forced native Americans off their lands and move out west. Natives actively resisted these policies, but the military was assisting them as they moved. The event is known as the trail of tears, even though it was made up of multiple trails. This is an example of how white Americans didn't get along with natives and wished for them to leave, eventually the natives would be completely forced off of their lands with the Dawes act.
  • Beginning of women's suffrage movement

    Beginning of women's suffrage movement
    The women's suffrage movement was started in by a combination of events. In 1833 The first all female college was created, which would encourage women to get educated while encouraging other colleges to go co ed. The declaration of sediments was written in 1848 and was a document that stated women's lack of rights with 100 signatures. The national women's suffrage Association was founded in 1869 by Susan B Antony. Eventually the 19th amendment would be created that gave women the right to vote.
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    Martin Van Buren President #8

  • 2nd Great Awakening

    2nd Great Awakening
    The 2nd great Awakening was a mass religious revival in the US. Preacher Charles Finery gave sermons that focused on the idea of free will. The idea of transcendentalism stems from it. There is a greater role for women with churches because of this movement and the church is seen more as a vehicle and way to get the word of god out. The ideas of spirituality and individualism are caused by the awakening and transcendentalists are anti government/establishment.
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    William Henry President #9

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    John Taylor President #9

  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    Texas became a state in 1845 because of the annexation of Texas. It was controversial whether or not the US should take on the Texan territory because of slavery and the want for western expansion. Gaining this territory was overall beneficial for the US because we gained more land and Texas would eventually be profitable with oil. After the annexation Mexico still considered this land to be theirs and the Mexico American war would begin in 1846.
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    James Knox Polk President #11

  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    A slave owner who was in the military lived in Missouri, then moved to Wisconsin with his slave Dred Scott. Dred Scott sued his owner claiming that since Wisconsin is a free state he should be freed. The Supreme Court took on this trial in 1846, and unfortunately didn't grant Dred Scott his freedom. This is important because now slaves can be taken to free states and still be considered slaves. This would lead to a lot of confusion and created tensions between abolitionists and pro slavery folk.
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    Zachary Taylor President #12

  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    There was much debate on wheather California should enter the US as a free or slave state. Henry Clay proposed the compromise of 1850 to settle the dispute. California would enter as a free state. Strict slave fugitive laws were enacted nationwide. Slave trade is abolished in Washington DC, which is symbolic for the nation that slavery should end. Territories that wished to join the nation as a state had to take a vote on weather the state would be slave or free (popular sovereignty).
  • Western expansion

    Western expansion
    The homestead act and amount of land owned by the US caused a mass migration. People looking for jobs, land, and opportunity settled west to start new lives. This led to millions of Americans and immigrants to move west, which caused conflicts with native Americans. New railroads would eventually be built which would make the western US profitable and make war for mass corporations. Manifest destiny was the idea that it was humanity's duty to go west, and the idea of it led people west as well.
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    Millard Filmore president #13

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    Franklin Peirce president #14

  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Because of the popular sovereignty rule, both northern and southern states encouraged their people to move to Kansas and vote to make it enter as a slave or free state. Armed men got to courthouses to prevent others from voting while destroying abolitionist homes, newspapers, and votes. As a result Kansas entered the US as a slave state. Abolitionists became outraged and ignore their governor. The state was a mess because there were 2 governors this contributed to the beginning of the civil war.
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    James Buchanan president #15

  • Election of Abraham Lincoln

    Election of Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was a member of the whig party and was defeated when he ran for senate. When the Whig party crashed, the republicans put Lincoln up for president since he was rising in popularity. He ran against Steven Douglas and they had the first presidential debate, as a result Lincoln was elected. the south was afraid that he would end slavery (which wasn't his intention), so they decided to scede and create the confederacy. Soon the civil war would begin.
  • Anaconda Plan

    Anaconda Plan
    General Scott made the anaconda plan. The idea of it was a war tactic for the union against the confederacy. It would have the navy block all ports in the south to prevent trading, which would economically destroy the south. Cotton trading was what was fueling their economy, without it prices on everything went up. The confederacy lost a lot of money and the union took back New Orleans + Mississippi. This cuts some states off from the rest of the confederacy and is very effective.
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    Abraham Linclon president #16

  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    The homestead act was signed by Lincoln, he wanted to make the west usefull and move encourage people who lived in overpopulated cities (due to immigration) to move out west. The act offers 160 acres of land to WHOEVER wants it ( any immigrant, woman, and African Americans too). If you wanted the land you had to meet 3 requirments to ensure that the west would be productive. They were that you had to farm it for 5 years, live on it, and improve it. This act created a mass migration west.
  • Pacific railway act

    Pacific railway act
    The want for a transcontinental railway sparked this act. It would be a railroad connecting the country from each ocean, and would be huge for industrialization + the economy. Two companies worked on the construction, the union pacific and central pacific, they finished in 1871. They were competitors with each other to make more money. Every mile that they created (depending on the terrain) they could make from 4 to 16 thousand dollars. They also got land around the tracks to make a profit from.
  • The Daws Act of 1862

    The Daws Act of 1862
    The Dawes Act was similar to homestead butt, for native Americans. It offered 160 acres to families of natives, who advantage of this. Many Whites thought this was a good thing, but it wasn't. Natives lost 86 million Acres of land because of it, and Americanization of the native Americans began. Natives were being confined to small reservations that shrunk. At the end of the Indian wars the US banned native religious ceremonies as well as practices. The dawes act caused cultural genocide.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The battle of Gettysburg was a turning point in the civil war in the Unions favor. 28,000 confederate soldiers were killed compared to the 23,000 union soldiers. The battle was one of last of the civil war and stopped the confederacy from pursuing north, as they had originally planned.The battle was led by General Lee (confederate) and Meade (union) and lasted 3 days. Because of this battle Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address, which gave hope to the union and boosted moral.
  • Shermens March to the sea

    Shermens March to the sea
    This event took place during the civil war and was led by General Sherman. Starting in Tennessee and going to the Atlantic ocean Sherman and his 60,000 troops raided and destroyed cities. They destroyed food and supplies for the confederacy by burning it and freed captured union prisoners as they went. They used physiological warfare since they ruined supplies during the winter and civilians were forced to flee. The march hurt moral and majorly helped the Union to win the civil war.
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    Andrew Johnson president #17

    • was president after Lincoln was assasinated
  • 14th Ammendment

    14th Ammendment
    The 14th amendment gave former slaves rights and applied the bill of rights to them, freeing them. This officially abolished slavery in 1866. It was created after the union won the civil war against the confederacy. It would cause the civil rights act and eventually make way for the civil rights movement because of racism in America and jim crow laws. The 14th amendment was very controversial, primarily in the southern states because their economy relied on free slave labor.
  • Reconstruction Acts of 1867

    Reconstruction Acts of 1867
    Reconstruction was started to rebuild the nation after the civil war. Cities were in rubble and the economic life of the south wasn't good. On top of this the south was defiant to the nation and there was no slave labor for cotton plantations. Lincoln proposed a 10% plan, but when he was killed they created the reconstruction acts. They stripped southern states of power until they re joined the union. To do this they had to guarantee all men the right vote and ratify the 13th amendment.
  • Alaska gained

    Alaska gained
  • President Johnson is Impeached

    President Johnson is Impeached
    After Lincoln was killed, his vice president Andrew Johnson took his place. Congress had protected republicans with tenure of office act. Johnson removed the secretary of war Edwin Stanton and favored the ex-confederate states. He had served for 6 years before impeachment. This is important because he was the first president in the US to be impeached, because of this he was powerless and Republican Ulysses S. Grant took over as president.
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    Ulysses S Grant president #18

  • Temperance movement

    Temperance movement
    The temperance movement was a major 19th century movement where the goal was to make alcohol illegal. Temperance became a controversial issue in the 1800s. The first official group put together to discourage alcohol usage in the US was the women's christian temperance union in 1870. The anti salon league soon followed it in 1893 with similar motives. Alcohol was seen as bad mainly by christian women because it encourages violence, abuse, and crime when it's over used, which it was fairly often.
  • Civil Rights act of 1875

    Civil Rights act of 1875
    The civil rights act was a huge step into the right direction for equal rights in the US. It allowed all people to have equal access to public accommodation, mainly focusing on African Americans. It was created during reconstruction after the civil war to prevent prejudice against African Americans. Soon to follow would be the jim crow laws, which would unfortunately go against the civil rights act and take rights away from African Americans.
  • The 1876 Election Crisis

    The 1876 Election Crisis
    The 1876 presidential election was between southern Tilden and abolitionist Hayes. The votes stated that 100% of the south voted for Tilden, this was deemed suspicious so there was a recount, and the votes went to Hayes. This outraged the south, and since the constitution didn't say what to do in the situation there was a crisis. After the supreme court negotiated Hayes became the president. As a result of the crisis military oversight in the south ended and reconstruction is officially over.
  • Jim Crow Laws Emerge

    Jim Crow Laws Emerge
    The Jim crow laws were a system of laws creating social segregation in transportation accommodations as well as schools and courthouses. These laws arose in every southern state. They systematically excluded African Americans from day to day public locations by segregating them from whites. The federal government did little to prevent these laws, the process was complete by 1910. As a result of the Jim crow laws racism arose in the US and civil rights for black citizens were restricted.
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    Rutherford B hayes president #19

  • Indian wars

    Indian wars
    Efforts to bring Native American tribes, both peacefully and aggressively, are known as Indian wars. Western Settlers wanted US military protection from the natives becuse Americans were moving west and tensions between them and the natives grew. Reservations that natives lived on shrink as more and more land is taken as a result of the homestead act. Natives were massacred, mainly women and children. Any tribe that resisted would be destroyed. As a result the native population becomes very low.
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    James A Garfeild president #20

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    Chester A Aurthur president #21

  • The Pendleton Act

    The Pendleton Act
    Originally for government jobs in the white house a president could fire all employees and replace them with people associated with their party. This was known as the spoils system. When Charles Guitar wasn't given a federal job after President Garfield was elected, he assassinated him. This led to congress officially ending the spoils system with the Pendleton Act in 1883. Now all government employees would have to pass a civil service exam to get a federal job. This law still applys today.
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    Benjamune Harrison president #23

  • Economic Depression of the 1890s

    Economic Depression of the 1890s
    In 1980 the US expirience a large economic depression. Many democrats left the party during this time resulting in more voters for the republican party. Europeans stopped investing in the US in fear. This caused a chain reaction where US investors sold their shares and the stock market crashed. Thousands of businesses had to close, including banks, which caused the unemployment rates to reach 20%. Workers had strikes, demanding reform during but were shut down and called extremists.
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    Grover Cleveland president #21

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    Grover Clevland X2 president #24

  • Plessy vs Ferguson Trial

    Plessy vs Ferguson Trial
    In 1896 the US supreme court ruled 7 to 1 on separate but equal accommodations on railway cars. This went against the 14 amendment's guarantee of equal protection. This was used to justify segregation in public facilities, including schools. Most districts ignored the "but equal" part all together. This ruling was held until 1954 with the Brown VS Bared trial that ruled that the separate but equal ruling was inherently unequal.
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    William Mckinley president #25

  • US annexed Hawwaii.

    US annexed Hawwaii.
    Hawaii was an independent island nation before the US annexed it and it became the 50th state. It was populated by Hawaiian civilians and governed by a monarchy, which fell. The US had buines ties on the island, trading for recourses. When the monarchy fell, the US seized the opportunity and took power in order to maintain buisness ties with the nation. The natives fought back and violently attacked the US troops, which led to the US sending military over and claiming the state as their own.
  • The ledome letter

    The ledome letter
    Before the Spanish and American war the US remained neutral until they discovered the ledome letter. Officials found the letter, which had been sent by the Spanish, which insulted the US and president McKinley. It became public and the US became very angry and wanted to go to war. To threaten Spain, the US sent a battleship to guard their ports. When the ship blew up the US assumed that Spain was responsible and then declared war. The ledome letter is responsible for the Spanish american war.
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    Cuba was a colony of span that wished to be independent and Spain was getting violent. The US decided to intervene since they had many business dealings in Cuba. On thing led to another and things got out of hand with the US and Spain going to war. The US scrambled to get troops and ultimately destroyed the Spanish navy, crippling their ability to fight. After a few short bloody battles 24000 Spanish were cut off from Spain and forced to surrender. The US gained new territory and Cuba was free.
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    Theadore Roosevelt president #26

  • Food and drug act

    Food and drug act
    Muckrakers were journalists in the early 1900's who put their attention to social injustices. With the use of writing and photography they targeted their publications towards woman to make the greatest impact on society. One of these muckrakers was Upton Sinclair, who wrote a book and used photos to expose the conditions of the meat packing industry. President Roosevelt was greatly moved by his book and passed the Food and drug act, as well as other acts that regulated the food industry.
  • The creation of the automobile 🚗

    The creation of the automobile 🚗
    Henry Ford introduced the model T in 1908. This new innovation was originally 850$, but Ford found ways to cut the cost down to 280$, making it affordable to most middle class Americans. Ford mastered the idea of an assembly line so that it only took 90 minuets to make one rather than 280 minutes. A boom in this industry led to more jobs to create parts for the cars and boosted the economy. Railroad industries start to die off and the national highways are created as a resault.
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    William H Taft

    Gets stuck in bathtub
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    During the great war (WW1) a large amount of white men left their jobs behind to serve for the military. This meant that factories were looking for new employees and thus the great migration took place. The great migration was a mass migration of African Americans moving away from agricultural southern states and into industrial northern states. They moved into inner cities and created ethnic enclaves within them. This led to African Americans having more opportunity in America.
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    Woodrow WIlson president #28

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  • US fights in WW1

    US fights in WW1
    The US didn't want to fight in WW1 at first, and Wilson declared that the US would be Neutral, which would economically benefit the US. The war started in Europe because of a long build up of tension between countries. Germany declared submarine warfare in the Pacific ocean to prevent aid coming in from other countries and killed over 200 Americans. The Zimmermen note also contributed to the US joining. So Wilson declared that the US would join WW1, or what he called “ The war to end all wars”.
  • End of THE GREAT WAR

    End of THE GREAT WAR
    When the US joined the war the course of the war changed in the allies favor. This is because the US was now a world superpower. The US acomplished this because of it's striving economy and urbanized factories (manufacturing and businesses in general). The Germans were losing numbers and their army was getting tired. The US also caused the Submarine attacks to lessen by 50% with it's navy making the attacks less often. The war ended in 1919 and later would come the roaring 20s and eventualy ww2.
  • Treaty of Versailles, US opposed.

    Treaty of Versailles, US opposed.
    As the great war ended, a peace agreement was needed to prevent a great war from happening again. The US suggested a pace agreement called the 14 points where no country was left to blame, but European countries dissagreed and instead created the treaty of Versallis. This treaty instead blamed Germany for the war and resitricted their country and gave them millions in debt, which sent them into a depression. The US was oppsed to this treaty and eventually it would become the reason for WW2.
  • 18th Amendment - prohibition

    18th Amendment - prohibition
    The 18th amendment was also known as the Volstead act which national banned alcohol. This act was extremely controversial, but it was created in hopes to stop crime and abuse. In contrast the amendment increased crime levels, thanks to bootleggers. The act also created speakeasies which were secret alcohol clubs in cities. NASCAR was also born as a result of prohibition. The mafia began to run the black market of cities (st. Valentines day massacre).
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    Many African Americans in the south moved north during the great war- the great migration. Newly established ethnic enclaves in black communities saw a large wave of black artistic expression. Black poets, musicians, and artists had great pride in their culture and identity which was expressed through art in the 20s. This was known as the Harlem renaissance, after the Harlem neighborhood in NYC. A notable part of this time was the jazz age in which jazz and blues became popular music styles.
  • The Roaring 20s begin

    The Roaring 20s begin
    After the great war the US experienced newfound post war prosperity in what is known as the roaring 20s. During this time the economic boom cycle was int the nations favor as new innovations arose. The automobile was one of these, becoming very popular as it became more affordable. Speakeasies and flappers are iconic parts of this time period as women were more individual. Radio was also a huge part of this time period. The roaring 20s however would soon end sadly with the great depression.
  • Palmer Raids, Sacco and Vanzetti

    Palmer Raids, Sacco and Vanzetti
    In the 1920s there was a wave of a red scare in the US as a resault of the trauma of world war 1. This led to president Woodrow Wilson allowing the arrest of non-American ideals such as being an anarchists or communists. Palmaer raids went down because of this. Immigrants were discriminated against for their nationality and even arrested. Itilian immigrants Sacco and Vanzettii were victims of the palmer raids. SInce they were immigrants and anarchists they were arrested and killed.
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    Warren G Harding president #30

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    Calvin Coolidge president #31

  • Scopes Minkey Trials

    Scopes Minkey Trials
    A town in Tennessee banned the teaching of evulution and
    a local school teacher challenged this law by teaching it
    anyway. This teacher was John scopes and he believed that religion shouldn't be taught in school so he taught his students about evolution anyway. As a result he was charged and brought to trial and eventually found guilty. The case is very important because it elivated tensions and sparked debate over the separation of religion and education that is still controversial today.
  • Rise of the KKK

    Rise of the KKK
    Popularity and activity of the KKK rose in the 1920's. The group focused on ideas of white supremacy that often led towards violence to non-whites, especially African Americans. The group famously marched in front of the capitol in March of 1926. It grew to millions of members during the 20's. The group used violence, intimidation, and political means in order to achieve their goals against African Americans, Jews, Catholics, and immigrants.
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    Herbert Hoover

  • The dust bowl

    The dust bowl
    Starting in 1930 and lasting for nearly 7 years, the dust bowl was the largest disaster in the 20th century. Overuse of farmland in the great plains caused the soil to become fine like dust. The windy plains moved the dust into the air making it hard to breath and ruining farms. It caused a migration of workers to move away from the disaster, but many stayed homeless since the great depression kept these workers from finding jobs. The dust bowl did create jobs in some ways with FDR's programs.
  • End of the Roaring 20s

    End of the Roaring 20s
    The roaring 20s were a time of prosperity for the middle class. Unfortunately the great depression would soon replace this time. The end of the roaring 20s was caused by multiple different factors. Citiznes were buying on credit and putting themselves in high debt. Industrial wages were growing higher at a slower pace than corporate wages. Farm incomes start declining, the depression hit the agricultural US before the Urban Us. And finally buying on stock would all lead to the end of prosperity.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    In 1931 after a time period of prosperity in America, the stock market crashed. This led to thousands loosing life savings and going into serious debt. Banks all over the country closed, leaving citizens in the dust. Farms and homes are closed because families can't afford morgateds or the expenses. Unemployment hit 25% during this time as factories and businesses coudn't afford paying wages. This time would lead to hopeless citizens and increased poverty+trauma.
  • FDR created the New Deal

    FDR created the New Deal
    FDR promised to end the great depression. He created government funded programs to supply jobs and funnel money into the economy in hopes to end the depression. He was popular since he was related to Teddy Roosevelt and people were glad to see president Hoover go. The new deal created new jobs and support for the nation, although it didn't stop the depression and caused the US to have a LOT of debt. The new deal also changed the role of government, now citizens relied on it in times of crisis.
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    FDR president #31

  • 1935 Social Security act

    1935 Social Security act
    President Roosevelt created the Social security act as a part of his new deal program. It was a safety net for all Americans created in fear of the great depression. It puts a % of your paycheck into savings so that you can have money for retirement or in case of emergency. It was intended to supplement income- it also gave Americans more intention to retire then before. This act gave just a little more power to the government as it directly helped Americans, which isn't the role of government.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    In attempts to fight impearialism, the US demanded that Japan withdrew its troops from Aisia. The US imbargo on Japan was hurting its economy so it decided to bomb one of its military bases in Hawaii, pearl harbor. Japan thought that it could take over parts of America by doing this. During the bombings Japan lost 100 men and the US lost over 2000. As a result the US was forced to join WW2, the US and great britian declared war on Japan, and Germany and Italy declared war on the US.
  • Women work during ww2

    Women work during ww2
    Women had more job opportunities since millions of men left to go fight and support the war. They left behind heavy duty factory jobs focused on making weapons and supplies for the war effort. Women who worked were given more money than before and the women who joined the military were given ore oppertunities. All women America had a hand in the victory of WW2. Women gained new ideas what a woman is and what a woman's place is, which will later be the roots of more equal rights for them.
  • D DAY

    D DAY
    D day was an attack against the axis powers during ww2 and would be the turning point of the war in the allies favor. It took 18 months and 3 countries to plan the attack. It was the largest seaborn invasion in history as thousands of soilders took back land in Italy. Beaches of Italy were stormed by 23 thousand soilders and thousands of airborn troops flew men directly in enemy territory. Within a week of D day the ally powers controlled 80 miles of the coast and pushed the enemys back.
  • GI Bill Of Rights

    GI Bill Of Rights
    After the second world war was over, the US wanted to give soldiers who had put their lives on hold for the good of the cause a thank you. The GI bill of rights was created, it's main goal was to give these soldiers free education. It paid in full college education or trade school education. It also gave them lower interest on home loans as well as business loans. This helped contribute to the post war prosperity in the US and gave these soldiers opportunities they hadn't seen before.
  • The Manhatten Project- creation of the A bomb

    The Manhatten Project- creation of the A bomb
    The Manhattan Project was a secret group of people, hidden from congress, that created the a bomb and succeeded. It cost 2 million dollars- President Truman was advised by Albert Einstein himself to use the bomb against the Japanese to end the war/ Truman used the a bomb 2 times against Japan. THis left two cities in Japan in ruins, killing thousands of civilians and devastating the country. It did contribute to the end of the war however since Japan did surrender in the end.
  • US joins United Nations

    US joins United Nations
    The united nations was made in 1945 by 29 countries. The group was created with representatives of each country after world war to to settle world wide disputes. It was also created to maintain peace between countries and avoid a nuclear war (the cold war). The US had previously pitched an idea for a similar idea of united nations but never joined the group. Congress joined the UN in 1945 by a majority vote and the US remains in the group today.
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    Harry S Truman

  • The baby BOOM

    The baby BOOM
    Between 1946 and 1963 the us population increased by over 30 million people because of the baby boom. After the war was over families started growing because of the secure state of the world and prosperity that came after the war. This led to more jobs being created which boosted the economy even more, contributing to the post war prosperity in the 50s. The baby boom would later lead to a new youth culture that would be created as the kids get older and reject their parents ideas of conformity.
  • The COLD war

    The COLD war
    After WW2 differences and distrust arose between the US and communist USSR. As the USSR grew so did tensions. Eventually, the USSR successfully tested an atomic bomb and an agreement formed between the groups that neither country would attack the other in fear of nuclear war and mutually assured destruction. The cold war begun, the US and USSR never fought directly but instead through proxy, by funding other countries to stop the spread of communism.
  • The red scare of the 1950's

    The red scare of the 1950's
    After ww2, the US gained a sense of conformity. Americans in the thriving middle class adapted similar lifestyles and hobbies after their trauma of the depression and the war. These Americans became very afraid of the communist and socialist party after the war and especially as the cold war was approaching. Fear of communist Russia and their access to nucuelar weapon made Americans uneasy about communist ideals, so if you weren't conforming to societal norms you could be marked as a communist.
  • McCarthyism during the cold war

    McCarthyism during the cold war
    As more and more countries fell to communism, hysteria fell over the US. Citizens were actively afraid of the atomic bomb and prepared for war. Joeseph McCarthy was a senator who famously stated that there were communists in the state department, leading for government departments to be filtered for communists. HUAC was made to look for them and many who were suspected of being apart of the party were blacklisted/ jailed. McCarthyism ruined many lives and ended in 1956 when accused the military.
  • Korean War

  • Conformity sweeps the nation

    Conformity sweeps the nation
    After the second world war ended, the generation who faught in hit had expirienced only war and depression. As a way to give their lives order the nation embraced a sense of conformity. Conformity is when a large group acts or behaves in similar ways because its socially acceptable. These social rules for conformity were naturally created due to the nations trauma. As a result citizens who didn't follow these social norms were usual deemed suspicious of being associated with the communist party.
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    Dwight D Eisenhower

  • Civil RIghts Movement 1954-1965

    Civil RIghts Movement 1954-1965
    The civil rights movement was a fight for equal rights for African Americans. Jim Crow laws and the idea of seperate but equal made it to where segregation was legal. This led to black Americans not getting the same opportunities as white americans, and the civil rights movement was a way to protest and fight back for equality. The NAACP was one of the first organizations made fighting for equality. The movement would eventually lead to an end to segregation and discrimination legally.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    The Plessly VS Fergoson Trail had determined the the separate but equal idea was incorrect. Previously separated schools had very unequal conditions. Schools with white kids were newer, cleaner, and had more experienced staff. On the other side, African American schools were older and dirtier. Brown V Board of education's case was built upon Linda Brown and her story as a young black girl going to a separate school. The case won and schools were now legally required to integrate.
  • Vietnam "war"

    Vietnam "war"
    During the cold war the US started defending south Vietnam in it's fight against communism. After years of just watching over the country, fighting and battles break out. Operation rolling thunder is crated to start bombing north vietnam. This turns out to a long drawn out war that involves drafting US citiznes, mostly minorities and working class. TV shows the truth of war and the death+distruction that comes with it. This leads to protests and hate for presidents Johnson.
  • Eisenhower Interstate highway act

    Eisenhower Interstate highway act
    The Eisenhower Interstate Highway Act was signed into law by president D Eisenhower. It is the largest public works operation in history and heavily impacted he way the US operates.It updated and modernized railways for the automobile by making roads. It also connected cities all around the country together making travel much simpler. A convincing factor of the act was the cold war, in case of an A bomb the US could easily evacuate affected areas and be used as runways for military planes..
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    John F Kennedy

  • Childrens Crusade

    Childrens Crusade
    During the civil rights movement the children's crusade took place in Birmingham Alabama. Hundreds of school kids staged a school walk out to participate in a march, protesting segregation. Many were arrested + set free and then the whole process was repeated for days. Bull Conner stoped the marches by ordering the crowds to be sprayed down with fire hoses and allowed k9 units to bite them. The march was very important to the civil rights movement because it forced the government to take action.
  • Assasination of JFK

    Assasination of JFK
    JFK was assasinated in 1963. As president he was loved havily by the public, his presidency campaign was called "Camalot". He was also the yougest president in history and served in the US naval forces. He was president during both the cold war and post war prosperity. he helped boost the civil rights movement by publicly supporting it. He was a part of the democratic party and delt with the cuban missle crisis and the bay of pigs.
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    Lyndon B Johnson president #36

  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was signed into law by President Johnson after Kennedy was assassinated. The law banned discrimination in local, state, AND federal elections and polling places. The law was necessary because a lot of racist government officials would require payment or literacy tests in order to vote which excluded many African american and lower class citizens from voting.This law bans the literacy tests, intimidation, and physical violence over voting.
  • Great Society plan

    Great Society plan
    After JFK was assassinated Vice president Johnson took over. He created the great society plan. This plan took on the challenge of creating new policies to help poverty rats, the environment, taxes, the healthcare system, education, and more. It is extremely progressive and helps the US move forward with civil rights and equality. This however does lead to the US going into more debt. The plan also gave the US more power and a closer relationship with it's citizens.
  • Assasination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

    Assasination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
    In 1968 the Assasination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. took place. He was a pastor and icon of the civil rights movement. He helped orginize and overcome sestemic issues dealing with segregation and discrimination. He expirienced oppression growing up in the south and he was even arrested. His death caused outrage in the African American community as well as the civil rights movement. He did however die as a maurder and his legacy still lives on today.
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    Richard Nixon president #37

  • Watergate Scandle

    Watergate Scandle
    In 1972 t men are arrested for breaking into a federal building and placing bugs inside in attempts to spy on the opposing party. Nixon was elected and once he heard about this he did what he could to protect his party and cover it up. Nixon continuously lies to the press and makes many enemies. This is known as the water gate scandle and by the end of it Nixon resigned, rather then experience the shame of being impeached and removed.
  • Energy Crisis

    Energy Crisis
    As Middle eastern and European trade declined because of the cold war, the US had trouble getting oil, and gas. Since th US was so dependent on using cars, the increased gas prices and lack of gas caused major disruptions in the economy as well as every day life. Riots and strikes broke out all accrossed America as citizens protested against the lack of gas available. Thousands of citizens lost jobs and had to move becuase of the crisis. It led to the uS turining to Nuclear energy.
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    Gerald Ford president #38

  • Recession in the 70s

    Recession in the 70s
    During the 70's the US experienced recession after having great prosperity after the world war. This involved something called stag-flation, where prices on goods were increasing faster than the pay rate increased. This led to millions loosing jobs due to company lay offs. Citizens also struggled to pay for daily essentials. This led to strikes and protests of angry Americans, and led to the idea of Reganomics. Reganomics is cutting taxes and gov. spending to increase revenue and th eenconomy.
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    Jimmy Carter president #39

  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    One of president Jimmy Carter's goals as president was to setttle down disputes in the middle east. He met with the representatives of Isrial and Egypt to in attempts to make a peace agreement (which would eventually be sucessfull) to stop there on going wars. These talks were held in camp david, but later would lead to more onflicts in the middle east as other countries began to hate the US. Nevertheless, the camp david accords are known as Jimmy Carter's greatest sucess.
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    Ronald Reagan

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    George H W Bush president #41

  • Opperation Desert storm

    Opperation Desert storm
  • Gulf war

    Gulf war
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    Bill Clinton president #42

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    George W Bush president #43

  • 9/11

    On September 11 the US experienced a terrorist attack. The world trade center (twin towers) were attacked as multiple planes were hijacked and flew into the buildings. The pentagon was also attacked. The terrorist group Al-Qaeda organized this attack leading to 3,000 American deaths. This event led to the US gaining stricter travel laws and more immigration protection laws. This day is now remembered every year and the US stil greives the lost towers.
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    Barak Obama

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    Donald Trump president #45

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    Joe Biden