Kings of Navarra

  • Period: 824 to 851

    Iñigo Arista

    Íñigo Arista (d. 851) was the founder of the Arista-Íñiga dynasty, and count of Bigorra. Although traditionally he has been considered the first king of Pamplona —as well as the fifth king of the kingdom of Sobrarbe—, today many historians prefer to speak of a "kingdom in a latent state" for the territory and its inhabitants than Arista and his descendants García Íñiguez and Fortún Garcés they led between 824 and 905.
  • Period: 882 to 905

    Fortun Garcés

    Fortún Garcés —Fortún Garcés II de Sobrarbe was the last Pamplona leader of the Arista-Íñiga dynasty. Although he is often called King of Pamplona, ​​current historians prefer to consider his successor Sancho Garcés I the first authentic king of Pamplona, ​​using the expression "kingdom in a latent state" for the time of Íñigo Arista, García Íñiguez and Fortún Garcés . Known as El Tuerto and years later as El Monje, he was the son of García Íñiguez and Queen Urraca.
  • Period: 905 to 925

    Sancho Garces I

    Sancho Garcés I was king of Pamplona between the years 905 and 925. Son of García Jiménez and his second wife, Dadildis de Pallars, he was the first king of the Jimena dynasty. With his arrival to the throne, the Pamplona territory was definitively articulated as a kingdom, surpassing the stage of political-military leadership of the preceding Íñiga dynasty.
  • Period: 1004 to 1035

    Sancho III El mayor

    Sancho Garcés III, nicknamed the Greater or the Great, was king of Pamplona from 1004 until his death. His reign is considered the period of greatest hegemony of the kingdom of Pamplona over the Spanish-Christian sphere in all its history. He dominated by marriage in Castilla, Álava and Monzón (1028-1035), which increased with the county of Cea (1030-1035). It added to its dominions the territories of Sobrarbe and Ribagorza from 1015 and 1018, respectively.
  • Period: 1104 to 1134

    Alfonso I El batallador

    Alfonso I of Aragon, called El Batallador, was king of Aragon and Pamplona between 1104 and 1134. Son of Sancho Ramírez (king of Aragon and Pamplona between 1063 and 1094) and of Felicia de Roucy, he ascended to the throne after death of his stepbrother Pedro I. He excelled in the fight against the Muslims and doubled the extension of the kingdoms of Aragon and Pamplona after the key conquest of Zaragoza.
  • Period: 1194 to 1234

    Sancho VII El fuerte

    Sancho VII of Navarra, known as “el Fuerte”, was king of Navarre between 1194 and 1234, the year in which he died in the castle of Tudela, Navarra. He was the son and successor of Sancho VI "el Sabio", of the Jimena dynasty, and brother of Berenguela de Navarra, married to Ricardo Corazón de León.
  • Period: 1234 to 1253

    Teobaldo I

    Teobaldo I "the Troubadour" (Troyes, 1201-Pamplona, ​​July 8, 1253) was King of Navarre (1234-1253) and Count of Champagne and Brie as Teobaldo IV (1201-1253). Nephew of Sancho VII El fuerte, son of his sister Blanca de Navarra and Count Teobaldo III of Champagne.
  • Period: 1387 to 1425

    Carlos III El noble

    Carlos III of Navarre, called El noble (Mantes-la-Jolie, July 22, 1361-Olite, September 8, 1425), was King of Navarre (1387-1425), Count of Evreux (1387-1404) and Duke de Nemours (1404-1425). He was the son and successor of Carlos II el Malo and Juana de Valois. As an infant, in 1378, by order of his father (Carlos II), he headed an embassy to parley with Carlos V of France. The latter caught him and ordered the embargo of Navarrese possessions in France, saving only the impregnable Cherbourg.
  • Period: 1425 to 1441

    Blanca I

    Blanca I of Navarre, belonging to the Évreux dynasty, was queen consort of Sicily between 1401-1409, and queen proprietor of Navarre from 1425 until her death. She was the third daughter of King Carlos III of Navarra, nicknamed the Nobleman, and of his wife Leonor de Trastámara, daughter of King Enrique II of Castile.
  • Period: 1483 to 1512

    Catalina I

    Catalina de Foix, also known as Catalina de Navarra, was Queen of Navarre, Duchess of Gandía, Countess of Foix, Bigorra and Ribagorza, Duchess of Montblanch, of Peñafiel, Viscountess of Béarn. Younger daughter of Gastón de Foix, prince of Viana, and of Magdalena de Francia, sister of King Louis XI. Queen of Navarra and marriage to Juan de Albret. The premature death of her older brother Francisco Febo (1483) made her queen of Navarre under the tutelage of her mother Magdalena of France.