Just Me!

By mah078
  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born in a Pakistan ,Peshawer early in the morning at 6:00am.
  • stiches

    When I was 3 years old I learned to walk.
    I started to play tag with my brother and he ran up the stone stairs.I coulden't climb the stairs so I accidentally bumped my head into the stairs. My mom took me to the closest hospital and I got stiches on my forehead,
  • Canada

    When I was 3 and a half my dad braught my family and I to Canada for a good education.
  • Before school

    Before school
    When you are 3 and a half you don't go to school so I stayed home with my mom watching Dora and Scooby Doo!
  • School!

    When I wasd 4 years old I started Kindergarden at my frist school Garthwood Park Public School and had 2 awesome teachers named Ms.Dots, and Mss.Burger!
  • I started grade school

    I started grade school
    When I started grade school I won lots of things such as in grade 1 and 2 I got cross country awards. In grade 3 and 4 I got starfish respect, rock papper scissors, library leaders and leradership awards.In tatal from grade 1-3 i got 14 awards and 2 ribbions.
  • Chicago,New york and Washington

    Chicago,New york and Washington
    My dad took us to Chicago to visit my cousins we also drove to New York and then Wahington D.C!