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industrial Revolution

  • John Kay

    John Kay
    John Kay invented the Flying shuttle in May 1733 the flying shuttle allowed single weaver to weave much wider fabrics so it just made weaving a lot easier. A pro of the flying shuttle is that fabric will be wider and weaving was much faster. A con of the flying shuttle is that this resulted in less jobs in the factories. The flying shuttle is still used today along with other more modern inventions.
  • James Hargreaves

    James Hargreaves
    James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny in 1764 the spinning jenny was important in the industrial revolution because the machine was capable of spinning eight threads of cotton yarn. Pros and cons of the spinning jenny was it took less time to make yarn and people lost their jobs because not as many workers were needed to spin yarn. The spinning jenny is not really used today but it is important because it helped developed new and more modern factory machinery.